Have you tried all the existing diets, including the carbohydrate-free, fat-free and low-protein ones? If you have followed a diet without solid foods or have tried to count the calories from each meal and somehow all of your attempts to lose weight have been unsuccessful so far, you may realize that something is wrong with all of these techniques.

In this article, we’ll explain what could be causing your weight loss plateau. We put together the most common mistakes we make when we want to lose weight.

Why You Can’t Lose Weight

5. You Eat Proteins And Carbs Separately

5 Unobvious Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
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The fans of a separate food diet are sure that you must eat protein and carbohydrates separately, otherwise, you will have to worry about the breakdown of food in the stomach.

However, the simple principles of anatomy totally ruin this theory. The level of gastric acid in the stomach prevents the rotting process, and there is a duodenum between the stomach and the small intestine that perfectly digests protein, carbohydrates, and fats at the same time.

Also, different enzymes are needed to digest proteins and carbohydrates.

What to do: Forget to separate the food you eat. If you eat protein and carbohydrates separately, your digestive system will not function properly and you will only have stomach problems instead of getting positive weight loss results.

4. You Don’t Use A Knife When You Eat

5 Unobvious Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
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Our brain needs about 20 minutes to realize that we are eating something and to estimate how full our stomach is. But we can often eat so much food during those 20 minutes that, as a result, our brain begins to signal to overeat.

What to do: Cut all the food you eat into small pieces and use a knife. First, it will slow down the eating process and increase your digestion. Second, it will seem like you ate more than you actually eat.

3. You Eat Too Much Healthy Food

5 Unobvious Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
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You may think that if you only eat salads, steamed fish, and fresh fruit, you shouldn’t worry about gaining weight, but unfortunately, that’s not true.

A tablespoon of olive oil contains about 150 kilocalories; There are the same amount of calories in half a large avocado.

If you add tomato, cucumber, and pumpkin seeds to make a salad, your light vegetable snack will turn into a real 500-kilocalorie dinner.

What to do: Studies show that overeating, regardless of whether you eat sweets or vegetables, is dangerous to your health and also affects your waist.

Therefore, if you want to keep fit, always pay attention to your portion size.

2. You Are Fond Of Detox Diets

5 Unobvious Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
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Fresh juices and smoothies are certainly helpful to you, but not if your diet consists of just them. If you follow this type of diet, your body loses water and muscle mass instead of fat. In the end, you will quickly regain the weight you lost.

What to do: Choose whole fruits and vegetables instead of juices. With them, your body will receive all the necessary vitamins and fibers, which is important for smooth digestion.

1. You Count Calories

5 Unobvious Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight
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The calorie content of foods is counted by burning a sample of a product in a hermetic chamber.

This amount of calories is usually written on the nutrition facts label on a product. However, no one can count how many calories your body digests.

Also, you can’t count exactly how many calories you burn during the normal day. That is why the calorie counting process does not help you lose the weight you want.

What to do: When choosing a product, pay attention to your health and the number of vitamins and micronutrients it contains, instead of how many calories there are.

Don’t forget that a handful of almonds will be much healthier for you than half a bar of chocolate, although both contain 300 kilocalories.

What helped you lose extra weight and a smaller waist? Share your advice in the comments!