If you’ve ever had the onset of neck pain, you know what it’s like: one minute you’re fine and a moment later you start seeing stars and you can’t even move your head. It seems that nothing can save you from this torture except a good massage, and you would give the world to get one.

If there is no one around you to give you that relief, do not be angry, you can do it yourself! Best of all, you only need your hands and a towel. We have picked out some self-massage techniques to relieve neck pain, and we hope you find the one that will help you the most.

How to Ease Pain with Self-Massage

Towel Massage

4 Self-Massage Techniques That Can Free You From Neck Pain

A towel massage can help loosen tight neck muscles and restore mobility. At the same time, a towel is soft and does not allow you to put too much pressure on your neck and hurt it.

Place the towel behind your neck. Hold the left end of the towel with your right hand and pull it down over your chest. Grab the right end of the towel with your left hand and pull it up and to the left across your forehead so that your head turns to the left following the towel as shown in the image above.

Perform several movements, turning your head to the left and releasing the pressure. Repeat on the other side. Make sure you don’t pull on the towel too hard and don’t make any sudden movements. Watch this video for detailed instructions.

Place the towel behind your neck. Pull the towel forward with both hands, applying slight pressure to the neck. Slowly turn your head to the left and hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly turn your head to the right and hold this position for a few seconds.

Keep pulling the towel forward as you do the twists as shown in this video. Make sure you don’t pull on the towel too hard and don’t make any sudden movements.

Back Of The Neck Muscle Massage

4 Self-Massage Techniques That Can Free You From Neck Pain

Place your left hand on the neck muscle behind your left ear as shown in the image above. With gentle fingers, apply light pressure to the area. Slowly turn your head to the right while applying pressure.

Make sure your fingers are not moving and that only your head is moving. Repeat on the other side. Watch this video for detailed instructions. Repeat the cycle several times until you feel relief.

Using your fingers, massage the same area in gentle circular motions to increase blood flow and release tension. Watch this video for detailed instructions.

Side Muscle Squeezing

4 Self-Massage Techniques That Can Free You From Neck Pain

Sit up straight. Place your palms on the sides of your neck. Tilt your head back a little and drop it gently to the left. Contract the muscles on the back left of your neck so they are stiff but nice. Then let your head drop gently to the right.

Now contract the correct muscles in the back of your neck. Continue squeezing the muscles on the right and left sides, starting at the bottom of the neck and slowly moving upward. Watch this video for detailed instructions.

Suboccipital Muscle Massage

4 Self-Massage Techniques That Can Free You From Neck Pain

Tight and blocked suboccipital muscles can cause headaches, dizziness, and even nausea. To release these muscles, feel the soft area just below the skull bone, as shown in the image above.

With both hands, apply gentle pressure to the suboccipital muscles on the right and left sides of the neck. Tilt your head back and continue to apply inward and upward pressure with your fingers.

Slowly bring your chin to your chest and as you lower your head, move your fingers outward, separating your left and right hands, and continue to apply pressure.

Its task is to separate and “open” the suboccipital muscles and reduce their stiffness. Repeat the cycle a few times and make sure you don’t feel pain while doing this self-massage. Watch this video for detailed instructions.

Have you ever suffered from neck pain? What remedies helped you get rid of it?