Here it goes again: Your friend turns on the air conditioner to cool off and you’re shivering, wishing you were home under your favorite thick wool blanket. We all feel hot and cold in different ways, but some of us feel cold all the time and have no idea why our perception of temperature is so wrong.

For those of you who get goose bumps while reading our article, we find out what the reasons for this unusual condition are and how it can be fixed.

Reasons You Might Be Feeling Cold All the Time

Your Thyroid Gland May Not Function Well

Why You’re Cold All the Time and How to Stop It
© Pixabay

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones and can cause cold intolerance. Thyroid hormones help regulate metabolism and temperature, and when we don’t have them, we start to feel cold all the time. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism can include fatigue and a low heart rate.

How to fix it: see a doctor. A medical test can help determine if you have the required amount of thyroid hormones in your body.

You May Not Be Drinking Enough Water

Water stimulates metabolism, helping the body break down food and create energy and heat. If you are dehydrated, you may lack the heat and energy that warm your body.

How to fix it: Make sure you drink enough water. If you are not a fan of clean water and you think it does not taste good, there are several ways to add flavor: lemon, mint, basil, cucumber and whatever else you can think of.

You May Have Anemia

Why You’re Cold All the Time and How to Stop It
© James Heilman, MD / Wikimedia Commons

The pale skin on the left hand in the image above shows anemia.

Anemia is another medical condition that can cause cold hands and feet. Anemia occurs when your body lacks the red blood cells that carry oxygen to your organs and tissues.

There is iron deficiency anemia that occurs during pregnancy, menstruation or blood loss or due to poor absorption of iron and iron deficiency anemia caused by poor nutrition. Other symptoms of anemia include pale skin, fast heart rate, fatigue, and headaches.

How to fix it: If you suspect you may have anemia, you will need to see your doctor and get the necessary tests done.

You May Not Be Getting Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep is very important to regulate body temperature; so if you are shivering with cold, the reason may be quite simple.

How to fix it: Rethink your daily schedule and make sure you have plenty of sleep time so you can recharge your batteries.

This May Be Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Why You’re Cold All the Time and How to Stop It
© Burrmilla / Reddit

Raynaud’s Phenomenon, or simply Raynaud’s, is easy to recognize: it makes the fingers or toes turn white or blue. It is a rare disorder that affects the arteries, reducing blood flow to the fingers and toes and making them feel cold.

During the onset, when blood flow is reduced, the fingers and toes are pale or blue, and as the blood returns, they turn red again and begin to feel numb or sore.

How to fix it: see a doctor. Raynaud’s disease can be triggered by low temperatures, stress, contact with some chemicals, and other factors. Treatment includes medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes that help eliminate triggers.

Why You’re Cold All the Time and How to Stop It
© Heythem hadi / Wikimedia Commons

In the picture above, the right hand belongs to a person with Raynaud’s.

You May Have Poor Blood Circulation

Why You’re Cold All the Time and How to Stop It
© Shutterstock

Peripheral arterial disease can make the arteries unable to carry blood to organs and tissues, making us feel cold. When plaque builds up in the arteries (atherosclerosis), it narrows the arteries, affecting blood flow to the hands and feet, causing cold and numbness.

How to fix it: see a doctor. Treatment for peripheral arterial disease includes lifestyle changes (such as quitting smoking, for example) and medical treatment, including surgery in some cases.

As you can see, feeling cold all the time can cause several underlying medical conditions, and seeing a doctor is the best option. While you wait for your visit, here are some tips on how to warm up your body:

Try to retain body heat and wear layered clothing. Choose inner layers of wool and polypropylene fabric. Drink more hot beverages like tea and hot chocolate.

Avoid spending too much time outside in cold weather until you know the reason for your condition.

Are you one of those people who trembles when everyone around you feels good? What do you usually do to keep warm? Share your valuable tips in the comments!

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