The ancient Chinese practice of acupressure can provide more help than simply relieving us of minor irritating health problems, such as headaches, colds/flu, and fatigue. It can also help us in our general well-being.

We have 6 incredible pressure points that will naturally help you heal your body and mind. The techniques we offer you are special because they can be self-administered anytime, anywhere.

So let’s welcome this healthy lifestyle and say goodbye to daily pill-popping and trips to the doctor.

Feng Chi

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 6 Key Points
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Recommended for: Headaches, Migraines, Blurred Eyes, Fatigue, Lack of Energy, and Cold / Flu Symptoms.

How to find it: Begin by palpating the ear bone and follow the groove to where the muscles of the neck and skull meet.

How to apply: join hands interlocking fingers. Then use your thumbs to apply firm pressure to the skull. Massage and stimulate the area for 4-5 seconds.

Jian Jing

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 6 Key Points
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Recommended for: stiff neck, tight shoulders, and chronic daily headaches.

How to locate it: The point is located on your shoulder between the rotator cuff and your spine. It can be found by pressing the shoulder muscle with the thumb and middle finger.

How to Apply: Apply downward pressure with your index finger or thumb. Massage the area for 4 to 5 seconds.

San Yin Jiao

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 6 Key Points
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Recommended for: urological disorders, pelvic disorders, menstrual cramps, insomnia and improvement of the general health of women.

How to Locate It: It is located 4 fingers above the ankle (measured from the highest point of the ankle) in the depression behind the bone.

How to apply: Apply firm pressure to this point on the inside of the legs and massage the area for 4-5 seconds.

CAUTION: Not to be used during pregnancy as it can induce labor.

Zhong Zhu

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 6 Key Points
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Recommended for: temporary headaches, shoulder pain, neck tension, and low back pain.

How to locate it: this point is located behind the knuckles in the groove formed by the tendons of the ring and little finger.

How to apply: Apply firm pressure to the depression and massage the area for 4-5 seconds.

Zu San Li

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 6 Key Points
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Recommended for: Gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, nausea, stress, and fatigue. Traditional Chinese literature also recommends it for better health and longevity.

How to find it: It is located on the outside of the leg, in the depression about 4 fingers below the base of the kneecap.

How to apply: apply downward pressure to the muscle area for about 4-5 seconds.

Nei Guan

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press 6 Key Points
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Recommended for: Curing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, stomach aches, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome, and headaches.

How to find it: It is located in the depression between the tendons, 4 fingers below the wrist.

How to apply: Massage between the 2 tendons while applying light pressure for 4-5 seconds.

We hopes that all of its readers will take advantage of these pressure points in their efforts to stay healthy.

Let us know in the comments what improvements you felt after practicing them.

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