The illnesses that women can suffer from can be sneaky: their symptoms are often difficult to distinguish from the pain they experience before menstruation. But you can get the upper hand by visiting a doctor as soon as you notice certain worrying signs that you need to learn to recognize.
For example, people who are diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage survive in more than 90% of cases. We decided to talk about these symptoms that may indicate that you might have a serious illness in the future.
Increased Urinating

What it means:
Increased urination can be a sign of more than kidney or urinary tract problems. This may indicate a hormonal imbalance or indicate that there is something wrong with the vaginal microflora. And if you urinate frequently and are very thirsty, it could be a sign of diabetes.
How to recognize that there is a problem:
Sometimes it can seem like you go to the bathroom a lot, when in fact you don’t. It is normal to go to the bathroom 4 to 10 times a day if you drink the normal amount of water. If you notice that you urinate more frequently, see a GP or urologist.
Unexplained Weight Loss

What it means:
Don’t be too happy if you’ve unexpectedly lost a few pounds in a short period of time. Sometimes this can be a symptom of things like Crohn’s disease, type 2 diabetes, or cancer. In any case, this symptom means that there is definitely something wrong with the body.
How to recognize there is a problem:
If you have lost 5 to 5 pounds in the last 6 to 12 months and have not played sports or changed your diet, see a doctor.
Hair In Places Where The Should Be No Hair

What it means:
Hirsutism or excessive body hair means that there are many male hormones in the body. Changes in a person’s appearance are not the worst part: this condition can lead to infertility, a metabolic disorder, or even an increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial diseases.
How to recognize that there is a problem:
Do not panic immediately; women tend to think that almost all body hair is excessive. Check out this chart first. It will tell you if you need to see an endocrinologist.
Bleeding After The Menopause

What it means:
Women often notice blood after menopause. This blood can be a sign of uterine cancer, cervicitis, fibroids, and other dangerous pathological processes.
How to recognize that there is a problem:
Women who receive hormone replacement therapy may experience something similar to menstruation for about two years after menopause; this is normal.
In all other cases, you should consult a doctor. This is especially dangerous if it has been a year since your last period and then what appears to be menstruation starts again as before.
Any Change In The Breasts

What it means:
The first signs of breast cancer can be very difficult to notice. When it comes to breast and lymph node pain, it may be too late.
How to recognize that there is a problem:
Do not underestimate the effectiveness of simply observing yourself, it can help you notice breast cancer at an early stage. Be on the lookout for any changes: red or wrinkled skin, bumps, etc.
As for experiencing breast pain from time to time (especially before menstruation), this is quite normal and generally indicates fluctuations in hormone levels.
Don’t be ashamed to go to a gynecologist or mammologist (in fact, it is recommended that you visit him once or twice a year) and discuss everything that concerns you. There are no embarrassing questions when it comes to health.