Chinese medicine is known throughout the world. Acupressure is an effective method of self-help, and if you don’t want to use drugs, you can try the following techniques that we have discovered to relieve pain and other symptoms.


Press This Point For 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body


Press This Point For 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body


Press This Point For 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body


Press This Point For 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body


Press This Point For 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body

6. Dispose of a headache

Press This Point For 2 Minutes and See What Happens to Your Body

The Tai Chong point, located two fingers between the big toe and the second finger, helps relieve many pain, the most common of which is headache. Massage the tip for 2 minutes and you will feel the result.