Love conquers all. Break barriers, move mountains, cross oceans and change lives. There’s nothing that love can’t beat … except snoring, which is the third most common cause of divorce in America and Britain.

For those who snore and those who share a bed with those who snore, We have some tips and tricks you can try to overcome this annoying habit, and perhaps help your suffering partner get a good night’s sleep!

How To Stop Snoring Naturally

Sleep On Your Side

5 Great Solutions For Those Who Want To Stop Snoring

When you sleep on your back, the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse into the back wall of your throat, obstructing your breathing and, in turn, causing those annoying snoring.

Sleeping on your side can help keep your throat open and there is a high chance that you will stop snoring.

Try To Lose Some Weight

5 Great Solutions For Those Who Want To Stop Snoring

This is similar to the previous point. If you are overweight, your lungs and neck block the air intake and cause you to snore.

But this may be the least of your problems here because being overweight also increases your chances of getting sleep apnea.

Cure Your Crooked Septum, Rhinitis, Or Any Other Medical Problem

5 Great Solutions For Those Who Want To Stop Snoring

If none of these snoring medications and remedies work for you, see your doctor. A crooked septum, chronic sinusitis, cysts, and other medical conditions can be the reason you snore, and your doctor can suggest how to treat them.

Natural Remedies

5 Great Solutions For Those Who Want To Stop Snoring

There are several natural antihistamines, such as nettle, that can help cure snoring. Place a cup of dried nettle leaves in about two cups of boiling water for 10-15 minutes and drink the tea before bed.

Gargling with peppermint tea before bed also helps fight allergies.

Watch Your Diet

5 Great Solutions For Those Who Want To Stop Snoring

Believe it or not, this has a lot to do with snoring. Avoid heavy meals and alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles, which increases the likelihood of snoring.

Sleep In A Separate Room From Your Partner

Sleeping in separate rooms may seem like a bit of a stretch, but this is ultimately an effective way for both of you to get more blissful sleep and to ensure that you will be active and radiant the next day.

Another alternative is to sleep on opposite sides of the bed, one at the head and one at the feet.

If nothing works, don’t despair. There is always the possibility that, over time, you will get used to your partner’s snoring, and they may even help you sleep!