If you want to give your family or partner a good massage, this article is just what you need. What better than a relaxing and pleasant massage? Of course, to give a massage you need to follow several rules, since this procedure has contraindications, you will find them at the end of the article.

We have tried some massage tips and methods and now we want to recommend them to you.

Simple Steps to Massage Your Partner at Home

Create A Relaxing Atmosphere

How to Do an Awesome Massage That Can Give a Healing Touch

Remove all phones and anything else that might bother your partner. Prepare a workplace that is comfortable for you and your partner. Calm music, candles, massage oil, and some warm towels will suffice. You will need towels to cover the areas that you have massaged.

Start With The Feet

How to Do an Awesome Massage That Can Give a Healing Touch
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Our feet literally build up tension, so when you massage one foot, apply pressure to the entire surface, but make sure you don’t press too hard.

Next, move to the back surface of the leg in a circular motion, avoiding the area below the kneecap. Move from shin to thigh, rubbing lightly and applying pressure to the muscles. When you are done with one leg, cover it with a towel and begin doing the same with the other.

Massage The Back, The Shoulders And The Neck

How to Do an Awesome Massage That Can Give a Healing Touch
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After the legs, move on to the lower back. Remember that applying pressure in this area is prohibited. Lightly massage the muscles and move from the spine to the sides in wide movements, keeping the palms perpendicular to each other. Then you can massage your entire back and shoulders, applying pressure with your fingers.

While massaging shoulders and neck, apply more pressure, as if you were squeezing the muscles with your thumbs. But don’t go too far.

Pay Attention To Arms Too

How to Do an Awesome Massage That Can Give a Healing Touch
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Place your partner’s arm behind their back and massage, applying pressure to the entire surface. Don’t forget your forearm muscles. Your movements should be smooth but strong.

Next, take the palm of your hand and massage your thumbs in a circular motion. Don’t forget to massage each finger.

Massage The Head At The End

How to Do an Awesome Massage That Can Give a Healing Touch
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Ask your partner to turn around and cover them with a towel. Use your thumbs to gently massage the top of your head and scratch lightly for a more pleasant sensation. Massage the folds and lobe of each ear between your thumb and forefinger for about 30 seconds.

Place the palms of your hands on your partner’s face so that your thumbs can massage the forehead, eyebrows, and the area between the eyebrows. In the end, gently massage your temples.

Don’t Forget About Contraindications

How to Do an Awesome Massage That Can Give a Healing Touch
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It is not recommended to give a massage if the following occurs:

  • Skin lesions and big moles
  • Spine problems (hernia, scoliosis, etc.)
  • Coagulation disorders
  • Thrombosis and damaged blood vessels
  • Osteoporosis, oncology, diabetes (weakened skin), and other serious diseases
  • High body temperature

Do you have any other tips to share with us?