Many Americans are developing varicose veins and leg swelling thanks to busy careers that require long periods at the table and risky fashion choices that affect blood circulation. Statistics show that varicose veins affect more than 20% of adults in the United States.
In the early stages, there are ways to reduce the severity of symptoms and prevent the progression of varicose veins. Most of these methods can be used at home.
As with any other health problem, varicose veins must be treated properly. We have rounded up the most common, but effective, methods for treating the development of varicose veins.
How to Get Rid of Spider Veins and Varicose Veins
Leg Elevation

Elevating the legs can dramatically relieve the symptoms of varicose veins and swelling in the legs if you suffer from the early stages. For leg elevation treatment to be effective, you will need to raise your legs above the level of your heart.
Try to hold them in this position for at least 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Try reading a book or watching television. You won’t notice how time flies!
Compression Stockings

Wearing elastic support stockings during the day can be more helpful than any other type of home treatment. If you feel discomfort in your legs, try wearing support stockings. These elastic stockings compress the veins and prevent blood from flowing backward.
They squeeze the legs much more forcefully than normal socks, but they help the veins and muscles in the legs move blood more efficiently.
Research has shown that compression stockings can reduce or prevent nighttime swelling. People who travel a lot, stand up all day or sit at a table often purchase compression garments to reduce swelling or discomfort.
Dietary Support And Weight Control

Like regular exercise, diet is the answer to many health problems. A healthy body on the inside will look healthy on the outside. Include foods that contain vitamins C and E, which are excellent sources of antioxidants for your body.
Vitamin C is necessary for the manufacture of collagen and elastin to keep veins strong. Vitamin E can make veins less like spiders.
Don’t forget foods rich in fiber, as they help prevent constipation and reduce pressure on your veins. Eat more meals with oatmeal, flaxseed, peas, beans, apples, and whole foods.
The extra weight does not lead to the appearance of varicose veins. However, it is usually due to several factors.
Bad habits, lack of exercise, an unbalanced diet, and a sedentary lifestyle combined can all start to cause bulging veins. Control your weight to avoid putting too much pressure on your legs.
Herbal Remedies

A study has shown that some herbal medications can have a positive effect on symptoms of venous insufficiency, such as bloating, cramps, or restless legs.
Dietary supplements, such as grapeseed extract, rutin, or a plant called Gotu Kola, are known to be a good treatment for spider veins. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, or ointments.
Talk to your doctor before trying any herbal supplements to make sure these products are safe and will not interfere with the medications you take.
Physical Activity

Regular physical activity is the key to treating many health problems. In cases of varicose veins, especially those diagnosed in the early stages, physical activity is a good preventive measure.
However, don’t choose an exercise that puts too much pressure on your legs. Running is generally not recommended because it can aggravate vein swelling.
The more you move, the faster the blood circulates through the veins. This is exactly what you need to reverse the unpleasant sensations of varicose veins.
Physical exercises that increase blood circulation and are effective for treatment include daily walking, stretching, yoga, and bending or rotating the ankles.
What type of home treatment works best for you? Would you rather go to the doctor or try to prevent the progression of varicose veins yourself? Share your opinion with us in the comments.
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