Those of us who already live close to nature doesn’t need any scientific evidence to convince us that we made the best choice. But for those who can’t choose between the bustling city center or the starry skies, scientists have put together a pretty compelling point.
They say that bushes, trees, and flowers not only make our lives more welcoming, but they can also lengthen our lives. We are happy to know that Mother Nature protects us and this is how it works.
Improved Sleep And Lower Blood Pressure Aren’t The Only Benefits
Previous studies have shown many potential benefits to living in a green neighborhood. They include better sleep and lower blood pressure. It can even reduce the risk of certain types of diabetes and preterm labor.
But Harvard scientists questioned whether there was any connection between women’s death rates and the number of plants that surround their homes, and they got a remarkable answer.
In the course of this study, the researchers analyzed data from more than 108,000 women. All of them were enrolled in the Nurses’ Health Study, which examined risk factors for major chronic diseases among women between 2000 and 2008.
The scientists analyzed the rates and causes of death of the participants and compared this information with satellite images from different seasons and time periods that showed levels of vegetation around their homes.
Women In Greener Areas Have A 13% Lower Rate Of Cancer-related Deaths
Women whose homes were surrounded by more factories were found to have a 12% lower death rate. By looking at specific causes, the researchers found that deaths from kidney, respiratory and cancer-related diseases were 41%, 34%, and 13% lower in women living in greener areas.
Scientists have several reasons for this. In their opinion, women living in a more natural environment are not totally affected by urban noise, heat, and air pollution.
They may have more opportunities for greater social participation and physical activity. And they show lower stress levels and better mental health.
Men Have Their Benefits Too
These findings prove that plants have a protective effect on women’s health. Although this study only looked at women, there is evidence that men can benefit from them too.
For example, men die less often from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases when they live in areas with more vegetation. They also have a better chance of surviving after a stroke.
Make Your House Greener If There Aren’t That Many Plants Outside
But what do you do if you don’t have the option to pack your things and move to the country? You can try to make the place where you already live greener. You can plant new shrubs or trees if you have a garden or buy more flowers to put inside your home.
What area do you live in? Do you see if this affects your health positively or negatively?
Preview photo credit Ronny García Photography / Facebook