We’ve all had different types of infections that weren’t serious enough to force us to go to the doctor, but were still too uncomfortable to ignore. Fortunately, there are many remedies that you can make yourself at home.
We made a list of treatments for the most common infections. They are very useful to combat symptoms and recover in a short time, so read them.
Throat Infections

A sore throat is a common symptom when you get any of these infections, which are mainly caused by viruses or bacteria. This makes us so uncomfortable that we are eager to get rid of it as soon as possible, even though it usually goes away on its own.
Breathing in moist air helps relieve a sore throat. Take a steam bath or lean over a pot of hot water with a towel covering your head and inhale the steam. A few drops of peppermint essential oil in the water provide an additional soothing effect on the throat and cough.
Smoking irritates the throat and causes a dry cough, so you should stop smoking at least during this period. Try not to be around smokers, as secondhand smoke is just as bad.
To make a real elixir for your throat, you need to take ginger root and pour boiling water over it. When the water cools, add lemon juice and honey (do not add it when the water is too hot, as this will damage its healing properties). Drink this hot several times a day and you will be fine quickly. If you don’t have all of these ingredients, use only the ones that you do have as they are great in their own right.
To relieve symptoms, make a mixture of tomato juice and hot water (in a 1: 1 ratio). Add several drops of hot pepper sauce and gargle with it. Lycopene from tomatoes and capsaicin from bell peppers are good remedies for a sore throat.
Sinus Infections

These infections cause inflammation of the sinuses, leading to symptoms such as facial pain, headache, nasal congestion, and fever.
Apply a warm compress to your face for 5 to 10 minutes. This will start sinus flow and reduce congestion.
Use a saltwater rinse to keep your nasal passages clear and kill bacteria. To make it at home, simply dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water.
Spice up your food to open your nasal passages. Hot spices will be very useful during this period.
Pressing specific points on the face will help combat symptoms. Pressing the point between the eyebrows for a minute and then the points on either side of the nostrils will help relieve pain and reduce congestion.
Skin Infections

There are 4 types of skin infection (according to their origin): bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic. Each of them needs special medical treatment. Home care can work well to reduce the symptoms of all types of skin infections.
Cold compresses reduce itching, so apply one to your skin several times a day. To make it more effective, you can make a compress with apple cider vinegar (diluting it with the same amount of water). Apple cider vinegar has good antibacterial properties and helps eliminate infections.
Make some changes to your diet. Eat more foods and spices with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, such as garlic, ginger, honey, and turmeric. Eat yogurt every day, as the probiotics in it help fight harmful bacteria. You can also apply any of them directly to the skin for a better effect.
Coconut oil has antifungal properties and soothes the skin very well. Apply to the affected area of the skin several times a day, and you will soon see the effect.
Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that kill infection and prevent it from spreading. Mix with aloe vera oil or gel and rub gently on your skin. This will help you recover much faster.
Eye Infections

Eye infections occur when bacteria, fungi, or viruses invade the eyeball or the surrounding area and cause many unpleasant symptoms, such as itching, eye swelling, eye discharge, red eyes, and more.
Exercise your eyes. Turn them clockwise and then counterclockwise. Move them up and down, left and right for 10-15 minutes. This increases blood flow and helps fight infection.
Teabags can be a good compress for infected eyes, reducing irritation and inflammation. After brewing a cup of tea, place the used tea bags over your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Just make sure they aren’t too hot.
Wash your eyes with baby shampoo. It removes dirt and infected secretions much more effectively than plain water and does not irritate the eyes.
Use salt to make eye drops, mixing them with warm boiled water. Use it several times a day to relieve discomfort, balance pH levels in the eyes, and kill bacteria.
Do you know of any other natural remedies that are useful against infections? We will be delighted if you share them with us in the comments.
Throat: 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, steeped 5-10 minutes in water just off from boiling, is a natural herbal remedy which will fight infection as well as prevent it from spreading to the bronchia. I have a book of herbal remedies in which I found this and I use it whenever I have a virus that includes a sore throat or cough.