We all know that you should never borrow someone else’s comb or toothbrush. However, there are many other personal belongings that we occasionally share with others, but we really shouldn’t.
Today we present a list of items that should not have more than one owner. In addition, we will teach you to keep them clean and in perfect condition.
Lip Gloss And Lipstick

Your friend has left her makeup set at home. Is it certainly okay to lend her your lipstick? In fact, you shouldn’t be doing this. Diseases like herpes can be easily spread by sharing lipstick or lip gloss.
Even if the affected person does not have an obvious rash, the virus can still be present in the mucous membrane of the mouth and saliva. At the moment, there is no 100% effective cure for herpes.
If the virus has broken out, stop using the contaminated lipstick. Once the rash is gone, it is best to buy a new makeup set to prevent the disease from returning. To avoid accumulation of dirt and bacteria, use a clean tissue to periodically remove the top layer of lipstick.

Each person has a unique balance of bacterial flora in their earwax. Whenever we decide to share headphones with a friend, we run the risk of breaking that balance. This, in turn, can lead to an ear infection.
You can remove the wax from the surface of the headphones with a cotton bud or cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Avoid applying too much liquid to avoid damaging the speakers.
Electrodes can be disinfected by placing them in an alcohol solution. In cases of frequent use, be sure to clean your headphones at least once a week.
Hair Clips And Curlers

Most people know that lending your comb to someone else is a bad idea. Well, the same goes for all hair accessories that come in contact with the scalp! Fungi and lice are easily spread by means of borrowed headbands, combs, scrunchies, or curlers.
Soft rubber bands should be washed every few weeks, depending on the frequency of use. Rollers and metal hair clips can be rinsed with soap and water. Make sure to clean them later.

Even with deodorants with antibacterial properties, surfaces that come in contact with the skin can contain bacteria. After all, it is the bacteria that cause the smell of sweat that we are trying to neutralize.
It is best to use deodorant immediately after showering, while your skin is still clean. If you need to refresh your armpits during the day, wipe them first with a moist tissue first.

The main function of a towel is to absorb the maximum amount of liquid from the surface of the body. So even when you’re perfectly healthy, the increased humidity inside the bathroom gradually turns the damp fabric of your towel into a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and fungus.
Hygiene experts recommend changing towels every 3-4 days. It is better to dry the towels on the balcony or in a place without humidity, than to leave them in the bathroom.
Make sure to dry the towels after each use and don’t forget to iron them after washing.