Migraine is a neurological disorder that causes recurring headaches and can be moderate to high in intensity. Migraine is also believed to be the most common neurological condition and is more common than asthma and diabetes combined.

According to a report from the National Institute of Health, migraine is the third most prevalent cause and the seventh leading cause of disability worldwide.

We do not want anyone to suffer from this terrible pain and therefore has brought you some simple but effective remedies to help you get rid of migraine headaches.

Ice Pack

5 Simple Remedies for Fast and Natural Migraine Relief
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According to Carolyn Bernstein, MD, a faculty member at Harvard Medical School, “ice is an anti-inflammatory.” You can place an ice pack on your forehead, head, or neck for immediate relief. If you don’t have an ice pack, try a cloth rinsed in cold water.

Lavender Oil

5 Simple Remedies for Fast and Natural Migraine Relief
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According to research, people who inhaled lavender oil during a migraine had faster relief than those who inhaled a placebo. It can be inhaled directly for at least 15 minutes or applied to the body in a diluted solution.

Peppermint Oil

5 Simple Remedies for Fast and Natural Migraine Relief
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Massage peppermint oil on the temples and the back of the neck to relieve migraines. This also relieves feelings of nausea and anxiety. One study says it can prevent migraines from coming back.

Make Ginger Your Best Friend

5 Simple Remedies for Fast and Natural Migraine Relief
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Ginger has been used extensively for its health benefits, and according to research, it also relieves migraines. Powdered ginger decreases the severity and duration of migraine headaches.

Ginger tea is anti-inflammatory and is a proven remedy for headaches.

Opt For Yoga

5 Simple Remedies for Fast and Natural Migraine Relief
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Yoga is an ancient technique that can be used to cure serious illnesses. It is therapy without side effects, and a study says that practicing simple yoga poses will help reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines.

Some suggested yoga poses are:

All of the above are effective methods of treating migraines, based on the research associated with them, but there is no harm in seeing a doctor if your condition is severe. Please let us know if you have any natural remedies for migraine pain.