To build the perfect beach body, you don’t have to spend money on expensive gyms, special diets, or slimming creams. All you need is a chair and 10 minutes of exercise a day.

We suggest that you try these five simple exercises to get rid of belly fat fast.


10 Minutes of This Routine Burns Belly Fat Fast
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Stand behind a chair and place your hands behind your back. Take a few steps back, slightly bending your knees until your chest is parallel to the floor.

Turn slowly to the left and bring your left hand to your ear. Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

Floor Twists

10 Minutes of This Routine Burns Belly Fat Fast
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Lie on your back, move closer to the chair, and place your feet on it. Put your hands behind your head.

Using your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulder blades off the ground and touch your right knee with your left elbow.

Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

Leg Raises

10 Minutes of This Routine Burns Belly Fat Fast
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Sit on the edge of the chair, bend your knees and place your palms behind you. Move your glutes slightly forward so they are not touching the chair.

Raise your straight left leg, keeping it parallel to the ground. Repeat 20 times, alternating legs.


10 Minutes of This Routine Burns Belly Fat Fast
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Lean on the edge of the chair, straighten your body in line, and position yourself on the board.

Keep your spine straight. Hold the board for 30 seconds. Try to increase the time by 10 seconds every day.


10 Minutes of This Routine Burns Belly Fat Fast
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Arms straight and upright at the end of a chair. Bend your knees 90 degrees and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Bend your elbows and lower yourself. Then, stand up by fully stretching your arms. Repeat 20 times.