According to the World Health Organization, the number of people suffering from obesity has multiplied by three in the last 40 years. Almost one in four people on our planet over the age of 16 is overweight.
It’s no wonder that more and more people are starting to pay attention to their diet. Of course, not everyone should be on a strict diet, sometimes just using a few tricks that will prevent you from overeating.
We wants to share interesting ways to stay in shape without having to follow a specific diet.
Tighten Your Belt
Before lunch or dinner, wrap a ribbon around your waist. When you feel like you’re getting too tense, it’s time to stop eating. This very simple but effective trick will help you avoid overeating.
Drink From Long Glasses

We get a significant portion of the calories we need not from food, but from beverages. For example, a glass of juice contains up to 120 calories and 20 g of sugar.
This amount can be reduced if you wear the right glasses. The fact is, on average, we put between 20% and 30% less liquid in long, thin glasses than in short glasses.
Eat With A Timer

It’s simple: When you’re in a rush during a meal, you overeat because your brain simply doesn’t have enough time to get the signal that you’re full. So when you eat, set a timer for 20 minutes and try to eat slowly.
Take Hot Baths

Hot water not only helps you relax, but it also makes you lose weight, according to scientists at Loughborough University.
During their studies, they found that an hour in a hot bath burns about 130 calories – that’s all you lose after walking for 30 minutes! Also, the average sugar level is 10% lower after bathing! Good news!
Put A Bowl Of Fruit On The Table

When you see healthy foods very often, you schedule yourself to eat healthy foods. Also, this works not only for real fruits and vegetables but also for photographs. Don’t unsubscribe from healthy diet groups on social media!
Sit At The End Of The Table

This trick is very important for dinners where there is a large table and a lot of people. When you sit at a table surrounded by extremely tasty foods, it is almost impossible not to eat them.
And if you sit at the end of the table, there is a possibility that you will not eat something, because it is much more difficult to reach certain foods.
Of course, all the tricks we share in this article are not going to give you impressive results without a good general diet and regular exercise.
However, they will help you discipline yourself and be more mindful of what you eat. What tips and tricks help you stay in shape? Share your experience with us in the comment section below!