These days, having a healthy lifestyle is all the rage and it’s really a good and positive thing to set your goal for. A balanced diet, physical activity, good sleep – all of this makes us strong, healthy, and happy.

But often false stereotypes, which appear to be true, appear on the wave of a trend and we must be careful because believing in them can harm us. Check out the list below and tomorrow you will probably decide to ditch that uncomfortable “ergonomic” chair or diversify your diet with dishes prepared on a multi-stove.

We researched a list of these stereotypes and will fill you in on the reality so you can start your true pursuit of self-perfection.

The Redder Salmon Meat Is, The Healthier It Is

5 Common Stereotypes About a Healthy Lifestyle That Are Actually Harmful

Wild salmon breeds such as sockeye, coho salmon, and fried salmon are bright and vividly colored, while the more expensive and plump salmon breeds (which are also rich in omega-3s) are actually much lighter.

And those white stripes you see on the fish are really good, they mean no dye has been added to the fish.

Therefore, color is not an indicator of freshness or “wild”. Most of the salmon sold in supermarkets is delivered to farms or has already been frozen, all because freshly caught fish spoils very quickly.

Ergonomic Furniture Is Always Better Than Normal Furniture

5 Common Stereotypes About a Healthy Lifestyle That Are Actually Harmful

Ergonomic furniture has been widely touted as a cure for back pain. Unfortunately, this is just a business gimmick. It has been proven that a wrongly chosen ‘fancy’ chair can damage your back. The instructions for use of this type of furniture are also very specific in terms of seating positions and postures.

The trial period of an ergonomic chair must be very long, careful, and considerate. If you do not have the opportunity to verify and test this expensive purchase over time, it is better to ignore it.

Our Body Needs Regular Cleansing

5 Common Stereotypes About a Healthy Lifestyle That Are Actually Harmful

We are not talking about cases in which a doctor prescribes special diets and enemas; that’s a different situation. It is when you do these things without seeing a doctor first that they can cause some problems.

Research has not confirmed the effectiveness of detoxification methods such as frequent enemas, special diets, fasting, and juicing. But the same research showed possible negative consequences, such as microflora problems, bloating, vomiting, stomach disorders, and liver failure.

The consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber is much more useful and safe.

Microwave Or Multi-cooker Food Is Harmful

5 Common Stereotypes About a Healthy Lifestyle That Are Actually Harmful
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A patent for a microwave oven was issued in 1946, while a multi-cooker is a direct descendant of a Japanese rice cooker from the 1950s. Despite the fact that people have used them for a long time, many legends still exist about them.

It has been proven that the products of a microwave oven and a multi-stove (whose principle of operation is based on the combination of different heating and pressure modes) do not ‘radiate’ and do not lose vitamins and nutrients. Its usefulness depends only on the ingredients.

Also, a microwave oven and multi-stove are better suited for preparing diet foods due to the low oil consumption during the cooking process.

All Fruits And Vegetables Should Be Peeled

5 Common Stereotypes About a Healthy Lifestyle That Are Actually Harmful

According to nutritionists, most vegetables (cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers) and fruits should not be peeled. By removing the skin, we deprive ourselves of useful intestinal fiber, as well as potassium, magnesium, and vitamins (C, K, PP, carotene, B vitamins), and antioxidants.

Remember to wash these products carefully (the kiwi must be brushed).

We collected the 5 most popular stereotypes that people thought were true. What really healthy rules do you follow? Share them with us in the comments!

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