Celery is very high in fiber, which can make us feel full. That is why we cannot eat too much at one time. When we make juice, we remove the fiber and can literally squeeze about half of the cluster into a cup.
Considering that celery is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other goodies, this juice isn’t just a tasty drink, it’s a super healthy addition to a regular diet.
Celery juice is very low in sugar and calories, and unlike other fruit and vegetable juices, a glass of juice has less sugar and calories than a medium-sized carrot.
Keep in mind that fiber is critical to our well-being and celery juice should never be used in place of a meal. We are always looking for different ways to stay healthy and are very excited to discuss the benefits of this juice with our readers.
Should You Start Drinking Celery Juice Every Day?
It Prevents Vision Issues

Celery is very rich in vitamin A and this vitamin plays a fundamental role in vision. Protects the surface of the eye from bacteria and viruses.
Vitamin A also helps prevent the development of age-related vision problems, such as cataracts.
It Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Celery contains luteolin, and researchers have found that this element weakens cancer cells and makes them more susceptible to treatment. Celery has been used in Chinese medicine as an anticancer agent for a long time.
It Neutralizes Acidic Food

Celery is rich in elements like iron, magnesium, and sodium, which give celery juice its strong alkalizing properties. In other words, it can neutralize acidic foods, helping us maintain a healthy pH balance in our bodies.
Eating too many acidic foods can cause all kinds of health problems, including bone deterioration, kidney stones, and liver and heart problems.
And because many foods we eat every day are acidic, adding celery juice to your daily routine can prevent some of these problems from building up.
It Regulates Fluid Balance

Celery is very rich in potassium and this mineral plays an important role in many processes in our body. Scientists believe that potassium is the third most important mineral for the proper functioning of our body.
We are made up of approximately 60% water and 40% of that water is inside your cells, while the rest is outside your cells, in your cerebrospinal fluid, in your blood, and between your cells.
This level of water inside and outside the cells is critical and is affected by the concentration of electrolytes. Potassium dissolves in water and behaves in our system as a positively charged electrolyte, regulating the level of water within cells.
It Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is becoming a serious health problem for the modern world. It is estimated that by 2030, more than 400 million people worldwide will suffer from this disease.
Celery is one of the natural ways to prevent this from happening. It contains a lot of vitamin K and a study has shown that vitamin K improves our sensitivity to insulin.
It’s High In Folate

Folate is one of the B-group vitamins and is an essential element for red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, it also plays an important role in the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, breaking down proteins and producing DNA.
Just one cup of celery juice contains 145 micrograms of folic acid, which is more than 36% of the recommended intake for men and women, and 29% for pregnant and lactating women.
Will you try the celery juice? Or maybe you are already a heavy celery consumer. Let us know what you think about it in the comment section.
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Very informative