Have you ever put a ring on your finger or your feet do not fit in your favorite shoes because they are swollen? This is swelling caused by fluid build-up in the body.

We learned the most common reasons for bloating and how to get rid of it.


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Hormonal failure is another reason for fluid build-up in the body. If you have swelling, leg swelling, or gain weight, it is more likely hormonal edema.

What you can do:

Change your diet: eat foods rich in protein and reduce the amount of sweet, spicy, and salty foods. Visit your endocrinologist or gynecologist, who will choose the treatment.

Kidney Diseases

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The swelling that appears on the face mainly in the morning can mean kidney problems. Also, you may notice pain in your lower back and a change in the color of your urine.

What you can do:

Follow a diet. Sleeping on your back (sleeping on your stomach can cause swelling in the face). Visit a nephrologist.

Heart Disease

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Swelling of the legs and abdomen may indicate heart disease if accompanied by chest pain, fatigue, or dyspnea.

What you can do:

Cardiac edema should not be treated at home. You must visit a cardiologist.


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Swelling can occur as a result of taking certain types of medications, for example, antipyretics, pain relievers, or birth control pills.

What you can do:

If the medicine causes swelling, see a doctor. Perhaps it can be replaced by an analog that does not produce these side effects.


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Those who spend most of the day standing or sitting may experience leg swelling.

What you can do:

People with sedentary work are advised to take regular breaks to get some exercise. It is also recommended to stop crossing your legs.

If you stand a lot during the day, take time to sit down, give yourself a self-massage, wear comfortable shoes, and compression stockings.


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In the initial stage of dehydration, your body begins to accumulate fluid for later. As a result, your ankles, wrists, and lower abdomen can swell.

What you can do:

Drink at least 1.2 liters of water a day and avoid coffee, alcohol and soft drinks.

Remember that swelling does not always indicate a pathology and can even appear in healthy people in hot weather, due to uncomfortable footwear or after consuming large amounts of liquid and salty foods.

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