Our body speaks to us in many different ways, but we don’t always listen to it. In fact, not only can it communicate with us, but it also has its own secret tricks. In an emergency, it can even start “talking” to us through various changes: our eyes can suddenly change color or lumps appear in certain places. All we have to do is pay attention and act quickly.
We want to help translate the messages your body may be sending you.
Yellowish Skin

A yellowish skin tone, mainly caused by jaundice and liver problems, is what leads to this condition. High levels of bilirubin (a bile pigment) make it impossible for your body to eliminate it as waste. As a result, the skin and the whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint.
White Dots On The Nails

They can appear after a nail injury or as a result of nail-biting. However, if none of these are true for you and you still have them, there could be a hidden health problem. Most of the time, it can be attributed to zinc, calcium, or protein deficiency.
Cracked Lip Corners

Cracks or blisters at the corners of the lips appear for a variety of reasons. You may be dehydrated or exposed to too much sunlight. Also, even regular toothpaste or lipstick that you use frequently can be faulty.
Clubbed Fingernails

Curved nails around the fingers are typical of people with chronic lung problems. It can also occur due to some gastrointestinal conditions. If not treated in time, the nails increase in size and curve downwards.
Canker Sores
Painful sores inside the mouth can be caused by hormonal changes or emotional stress. In addition, it can also run in the family, so you may be predisposed to it. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is another cause that can lead to the appearance of sores.
Eyelid Bumps

The small pimples on the eyelids are called styes. They usually grow very close to the lashes and make it painful to blink, and they can also itch.
They usually appear on the skin if you have diabetes or very dry skin. It could also be a sign that you need to change your contact lenses or makeup brushes.
Which ones have you tried at least once? How did you treat them?