If your stomach is constantly “rumbling” from food and you feel empty, it is not always because you are very hungry. There are many reasons why you cannot find a feeling of fullness and are hungry even though you have recently eaten.

Nightly visits to the refrigerator for food cravings can be a simple sign of an improper diet or a warning of a medical problem that you should consult with your doctor.

We have done some research and put together several likely explanations for why your body craves more food. These are some of the reasons for this feeling and what to do to avoid it.

Why Am I Always Hungry?

Eating Too Many Refined Carbs

6 Reasons You Are Hungry All the Time (and How to Fix It)

Refined carbohydrates can be found in any processed food, especially pasta, baked goods, and sugary foods. Lack of fiber makes your body digest it quickly, so hunger strikes immediately and the feeling of fullness that accompanies eating is only temporary.

High-fiber foods have been shown to take longer to digest, so adding fiber to our diet is a good solution here.

If you constantly stop supplying your body with refined carbohydrates and replace them with healthier foods like whole grains, brown rice, and vegetables, you will soon see a difference in your hunger levels.


6 Reasons You Are Hungry All the Time (and How to Fix It)

Diabetes, specifically type 2 diabetes, is a disease that can cause hunger all the time. Due to diabetes, glucose, our source of energy remains in the blood instead of spreading to the cells.

This makes the person suffering from it feel hungry. Many celebrities, including Tom Hanks, have been diagnosed with diabetes and are still living wonderful lives.

Feeling hungry is just one of the symptoms of diabetes, which can be diagnosed by a blood test. After a proper examination, through medication and a special diet, it can be controlled and these symptoms will disappear for a long time.

Working Out A Lot

6 Reasons You Are Hungry All the Time (and How to Fix It)

This is one of the good reasons why you can often feel hungry. If you exercise a lot, you burn a lot of calories, and as a result, your body craves more calories. People who exercise regularly and for long periods develop a faster metabolism and an increased appetite.

Training is good for our health, so the focus should be on what and when we eat. According to studies, a nutritious meal before exercise improves your physical performance and also minimizes the chances of muscle damage.

Being On Certain Medications

6 Reasons You Are Hungry All the Time (and How to Fix It)

Increased appetite can also be a side effect of many medications due to certain elements they contain. The most common are cortisol, insulin, clozapine, and olanzapine, which can be found in diabetes medications, antidepressants, or mood stabilizers.

If you gain weight or feel hungry after taking a new medicine, it’s best to talk to your doctor and discuss whether you can alternate treatment or find another way to manage side effects.

Too Much Stress (Emotional Eating)

6 Reasons You Are Hungry All the Time (and How to Fix It)

It is well known that constant anxiety has serious effects on our health and increasing our appetite is one of them. Stressed eating (or emotional eating) is a common disorder that demonstrates how excess stress is related to our feelings of hunger.

From a scientific point of view, anxiety causes an increase in the hormone cortisol and leads to overeating and unhealthy snacking.

Stress is a risk factor for obesity and must be treated early. Therapy, meditation, and exercise are ways to help you regain balance and self-control and avoid emotional eating.

Eating Too Quickly Or When You Are Distracted

6 Reasons You Are Hungry All the Time (and How to Fix It)

In our busy lives, many of us choose to eat quickly and while doing other things. Even if you save time, this habit is not good for your health. Scientists say that eating fast or distracted negatively affects our rate of appetite, increases the calories we eat and leads to weight gain and constant cravings.

It is very important to give meals the time they deserve. Take the time to sit down and eat lunch without being distracted, chewing carefully and savoring every bite. This way you will be more aware of your feeling of fullness.

We hope you have found some good explanations for your problems here. What does your diet include? What do you do when wishes knock on your door? Let us know in the comments.

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