Known as an excellent natural sweetener, dates are a delicious and nutritious snack that can benefit your health and beauty in many ways. Thanks to their sweet and chewy flavor, dates are just as tasty as sugary candy but much better for you.

As well as being a healthy substitute for sweets and chocolates, dates can improve digestion and even make labor shorter and easier.

We love dates for their deliciously rich flavor and were thrilled to discover that eating them can offer many amazing health benefits.

They might prevent constipation.

As well as being a delicious and perfectly healthy snack, dates can promote regular bowel movements. Because they are high in fiber, dates benefit your overall health and can prevent constipation.

Studies have shown that people who ate dates regularly for 21 days had a significant increase in stool frequency.

They’re good for your skin.

Using the right products and keeping your skin well hydrated is essential for a fresh, youthful complexion, but skincare starts from within. Adding some dates to your diet is an easy way to provide your skin with antioxidants that protect your cells from damaging free radicals.

Since dates have the highest antioxidant content compared to other dried fruits, eating them can help keep your skin looking younger for longer.

They may make your birth easier.

Every pregnant woman knows that there are many ways to prepare her body for childbirth, and eating dates is definitely the easiest and most delicious of them all.

Research has shown that eating 6 dates a day for 4 weeks before your due date can ease labor and decrease the need for induction. In fact, women who ate dates daily went into labor 4 hours less than those who didn’t eat dates.

They can satisfy your sweet tooth.

When you feel exhausted or hungry, you may be tempted to grab a cookie or piece of cake, but a few dates can be a great substitute for white sugar.

Because they are naturally sweet and have a delicious caramel flavor, dates can easily replace white sugar in many recipes.

They might help you sleep better.

If you have been suffering from insomnia for a while, including some dates in your diet can be an easy way to finally fix that problem. Medical experts believe that eating just 2 dates in 30 minutes of walking can stabilize your blood sugar level and help you sleep well at night.

Do you eat dates often? Which of these benefits surprised you the most?