Acupressure is an ancient way of massaging spots on the body to help with the flow of energy, according to traditional Chinese medical theory.
By pressing on some of the energy meridian points on your body, you can increase the energy flow again and help your body to function better.
This practice is almost 2,000 years old and the experience of many people shows that it can also help with weight loss.
We find 7 pressure points that help restore energy flow in the organs that affect weight loss.
Do this simple massage daily and your body will thank you. One of the most important rules when doing acupressure is to be calm and relaxed.
Before starting the routine, do some breathing exercises so that oxygen flows through your body.
Acupressure Points For Metabolism And Weight Loss
7. Breastbone

The area above the celiac plexus, located on your breastbone, is another acupressure point that can help you restore energy and lose weight. Press the indicated location for one minute. Repeat daily.
6. Abdomen

Your abdomen has many pressure points that can activate a faster energy flow, facilitating weight loss. But you must look for a specific point: it is located 2 fingers down from your belly button. Massage this place for a minute. Repeat daily.
5. Abdominal Sorrow

These two points are located just below the chest, in the area where the stomach is. Massage your belly upward. Repeat daily.
4. Ankle

The outer and inner parts of the ankle are the acupressure points that you should massage daily for at least one minute to get the best result for your general acupressure routine.
3. Upper Lip

The area just above the upper lip is what you are looking for when you do an acupressure massage on your face. Apply pressure for one minute.
2. Hand

After finishing the acupressure massage on the head, body, and limbs, move to your hands. There is a point between the outside of the hand and the thumb. Massage for one minute a day.
1. Feet

Feet are not just for walking, but also for improving metabolism and overall health. Massage each acupressure point in the photo above for the best results.
By finding all the specific pressure points in your body that work for your digestive system and metabolism to work, you can easily accelerate weight loss. It is important to make this acupressure massage a routine so that it has a real effect on your body.
We show you 10 points on your body where you can apply pressure. Please tell us if you know of any other points or if you are using this specific method of weight loss.