Many people think that it is bad to drink water during and immediately after a workout. But scientists and professional athletes think vice versa: You should not deprive your body of the necessary moisture.
We will tell you what happens to your body if you ignore its signals and don’t drink water.
Should I drink water during a workout?
6. You Lose Water, Not Fat

Some people think that if they don’t drink water while exercising, they will lose weight more quickly. Yes, you will see the effect on your scale right after a workout. But you don’t lose excess fat, you lose water. And as soon as you drink, your scale displays a different result.
Lack of water does not allow us to burn fat cells effectively. Normal blood circulation that enriches cells with oxygen is not possible due to lack of water.
5. Toxins Stay In Our Body

During physical exercises, our body eliminates toxins through the blood flow of the skin and intense sweating. But if you don’t supply the body with enough water, sweating won’t be as intense and most toxins will remain in the body.
4. Workout Effectiveness Decreases

Scientists think that dehydration has a negative impact on the effectiveness of training. If you lose 5% of fluids, the effectiveness of your training will be reduced by 30%.
If you lose 2% of fluids, it means that you are not letting your body burn fat or build muscle.
3. You Start Experiencing Muscle Pain

Muscle pain occurs after a good workout. But if you don’t drink enough water, this pain can last for more than a few days.
The microtraumas that occur during exercise can only be cured if the muscle fibers receive protein and carbohydrates. And this is only possible if there is enough water in our body.
2. Cardiac Load Increases

If you don’t drink enough fluids, your blood becomes thicker and your vessels constrict to save the limited amount of water. As a result, the work of the heart increases because the heart tries to flow thick blood through the narrow vessels.
This can cause tachycardia, shortness of breath, and high blood pressure. Even if you are healthy and do these exercises regularly, your heart will still suffer.
1. You Start Eating More

We often confuse hunger with thirst. So if you don’t drink while exercising and feel hungry right after, your body probably needs some water. Drink a glass of water first, and if you’re still hungry don’t hesitate to grab a snack.
How Should We Drink During A Workout?
It is recommended to drink about 150-250 ml of water every 15-20 minutes. It all depends on the intensity of the exercise.
Scientists think we should drink cold water instead of hot water to keep the normal core temperature balanced. In that case, it is easier for our bodies to maintain the proper temperature during high load circuits.
Do you pay enough attention to drinking water? How much water do you drink a day?