Good news for gym haters: walking is a great exercise that has many health benefits for your body. It reduces obesity rates, is good for the heart, and helps fight depression. Walking is gentle enough for people of all body types, so anyone of any fitness level can enjoy it while shaping their body, especially the buttocks and legs.

Combined with a few simple exercises, it delivers results in no time. We love walking too, that’s why we’ve decided to share with you our favorite simple yet highly effective types of walk that will do wonders for anyone’s body.

Get a Tight Butt and Legs

Power Endurance Walk

How to Sculpt Your Butt and Legs in 10 Days by Just Walking

Power endurance is great for sculpting the leg and glute area. During practice, you will need to maintain an intense pace for a long period of time, without any change in speed.

Before you do that, you need to find out what speed you can maintain during your endurance walk; For most people, it is 3 to 4 miles per hour (4.8 to 6.4 km per hour).

Your walk should feel like you’re about to run, but it’s still a brisk walk. Once you find the right speed, walk for 60 minutes in the nearest park and try to travel 5 to 6 km.

Fartlek Power Walk

How to Sculpt Your Butt and Legs in 10 Days by Just Walking

Fartlek means “speed game” in Swedish, it is continuous training with interval training. It is ideal for beginners as it combines walking and running. See how to do it:

Start by warming up your body by running slowly for 5 to 10 minutes. Then start accelerating 1.5 to 2.5 km (0.9 to 1.6 miles). Now is the time for recovery: take a brisk walk for 5 minutes. Repeat these steps for about 25 minutes (5 sets total).

Important: try to make your running sessions as challenging as possible. It should make you breathe hard.

Hill Repeats

For this practice, you will need a steep incline to work the gluteal area and feel the burn. For best efficiency, you will need to walk to the top without stopping to rest.

To achieve this, try to find a hill that is not too long, for example, 330-660 feet (100-200 m). Once you reach the top, recover as you slowly make your way down the hill. Do 10-12 raises total.

Power Lunge With Leg Lift

How to Sculpt Your Butt and Legs in 10 Days by Just Walking

This exercise not only works your butt, but also your quads, hips, abs, and arms. It is practical and easy to do and you can practice it before or after your walks.

As you walk, jump forward with your left leg, making sure both knees are bent at 45 degrees. After getting used to 45 degrees, try bending your knees to 90 degrees. This can take some time and practice.

Clench your fists and keeping your elbows at a 90-degree angle, place your right fist near your nose while your left is behind you. Straighten your left leg, jump into the air, and bring your right knee in front of you. Then bring your left leg forward into a lunge. Do 25 reps on each leg.

Skater Stride

How to Sculpt Your Butt and Legs in 10 Days by Just Walking

The skater stride  is ideal for your glutes, hips, hips, obliques, and triceps and can be performed while walking:

Begin taking long strides diagonally forward, starting with your left foot. Make sure your toes point forward and not to the side. Step forward and bend your knees at a 45-degree angle as you bring your right elbow toward your left knee. Swing your left arm back.

Hold the position for a couple of seconds. Repeat with the right foot. Do 25 reps on each side.

Would you rather walk to the gym? Maybe you have your own walking routine? Let us know and start a discussion in the comment section!