Overhydration, or excessive sweating, makes us blush and embarrassed. Some products like tomato, cabbage, or coffee increase perspiration and make the smell of sweat stronger and clearer. However, there are products that can minimize this characteristic of the human body.

We have discovered which products you should add to your diet to eliminate unpleasant body odor and feel more confident.

How to Get Rid of Bad Smells

Coconut Oil

6 Products That Can Help Your Body Get Rid of an Unpleasant Odor in No Time
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Coconut oil is one of the most effective products that can give your body a pleasant aroma. Its antimicrobial properties restrict the growth of bacteria, while the lauric acid in its composition destroys the pungent odor. Of course, the sweat itself will not go away.

It is recommended to apply the oil to the underarm area 1 or 2 times a day after showering. In addition, the oil affects the entire body and even helps to breathe if consumed with food.

Lemon And Other Citrus Fruits

6 Products That Can Help Your Body Get Rid of an Unpleasant Odor in No Time
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Underarm odors aren’t the only thing that lemon’s antiseptic properties help eliminate. Like coconut oil, lemon juice can control bad breath caused by harmful bacteria.

Drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning (as long as your stomach can take it) can help control the problem. Another option is to squeeze 1/2 a lemon, rub under the feet or armpits, let it dry and shower.

Fenugreek Seeds

6 Products That Can Help Your Body Get Rid of an Unpleasant Odor in No Time
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The seeds of this plant act as antioxidants. Not only do they remove toxins from the body, but they also prevent infections that cause the spread of bad odors.

To obtain the desired result, dilute 1 teaspoon of seeds with boiled water and leave it to ferment. The drink can be taken after 6-8 hours. The seeds can also be added to tea.

Neem Leaves

6 Products That Can Help Your Body Get Rid of an Unpleasant Odor in No Time
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Neem or Azadirachta indica is a valuable medicinal herb that has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine. Its leaves have antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic effects.

Thanks to this, neem promotes the complete elimination of bacteria and toxins that cause unpleasant odors and reduce sweating.

You can use it the same way you would fenugreek seeds. Powder the neem leaves into mush with the help of water, apply to the armpits and leave for a few minutes. Rinse the porridge when taking a shower or bath. Do this procedure 3 times a week for the best result.


6 Products That Can Help Your Body Get Rid of an Unpleasant Odor in No Time
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Wheatgrass juice contains a lot of protein, vitamin C, B12, B6, and folic acid. Also, this is a powerful natural antioxidant that makes it very effective in fighting unnecessary body odors. You can consume it fresh (40 g per day) or in powder (3 g per day).


6 Products That Can Help Your Body Get Rid of an Unpleasant Odor in No Time
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Parsley is a popular remedy for treating unpleasant body odors. It is the high content of chlorophyll and its fresh aroma that gives it a deodorant effect. This herb cleanses the body and fights bacteria that make the body smell bad.

Research has shown that parsley can successfully combat sulfur compounds. You can use parsley in salads or hot dishes or prepare your dried stems and leaves to eliminate body odor.

What other products would you add to this list to help with body odor? Tell us about them in the comments!

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