When it comes to strengthening the buttocks, the first thing that comes to mind is squats. If you really want your butt to look more toned, you can participate in this interesting challenge with us. This proof of your desire to get a wonderful Butt consists of only 30 days Workout Plan. Think about it: you only need one month to get what you always dreamed of.
We offer you a real challenge consisting of 30 days Workout Plan of squats. Then you rush to the store to buy a fantastic pair of denim shorts to put on your stuff. It will take a month to tone your butt and strengthen your legs. You can believe us when we say it’s worth it!
30-Day Butt Workout Plan

What you need to do Just do 100 squats every day, regardless of the part of the day. You will see even greater results if you add these exercises to your usual exercise plan. Don’t forget to squat if you have a day to run or even if it is a day for your upper body in the gym!
All you have to do is follow the rules and not give up. At first, 100 squats a day may seem unrealistic, but believe me, these exercises will quickly become a habit.
Very soon you will not be able to live without them, just as you cannot leave without brushing your teeth in the morning. This Workout Plan helps you to transform your butt into good shape.
Basic squats

It is simple. Stand with your feet slightly more apart than shoulder width. Squat as deep as possible, trying not to put your knees on your feet. Keep the weight of your body on the heels to tighten the buttocks.
1. Squat with a kick

Doing a basic squat, kick every time you get up. Change legs at the same time.
2. Sumo squats and their variation

Stand with your feet slightly more apart than shoulder width. Squat as low as possible, keep your back straight and don’t put your knees behind your feet.
To make a variation, do a squat with sumo, lower your arms to the floor when you crouch, then slowly get up and raise your arms in a circle. When you get up from the squats, lift your body on your heels.
3. Twisted squats

Stand with your feet slightly more apart than shoulder width and place your hands behind your head. Do a basic squat. Rising from a squatting position, lift your right leg, bend your knee and stretch your right elbow to touch it and touch your knee with your elbow. Repeat on the other side.
4. Jump squats

Do a basic squat. As soon as you get out of the squats, jump up.
5. Narrow squats

Stand with your legs together and squat as low as you can.
6. Squat with an oblique backward lunge

Get up Put your left leg behind your right leg and squat. Then, step with your left foot to the side, move the right leg behind the left and squat again.
7. Squat in the lunge

Get up Put your right leg behind you and duck. Then repeat on the other side.
8. Squat down and step aside

Do a basic squat and stay in position when you lower your bottom. Move your left foot to the side and touch the floor with your toe. Repeat on the other side.
9. The jump to a closed position is squatted

Stand with your legs together. During the jump, separate the legs (a little wider than the width of the shoulders) and lower the back squatting. When climbing, bring your feet together.
How do you keep your body in good shape? If you know other training plans to lift and tone your butt, share them in the comments section below!