We often take the bait of incompetent marketing experts or consultants when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We get used to many “useful” habits that, in fact, seem absolutely useless.

We decided to find out which healthy habits not only don’t produce results, but can also harm us.

Rinsing Your Mouth With Water

7 Super Healthy Habits That Appear to Be Harmful
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This habit may seem very natural, but some dentists have criticized it. When brushing your teeth, they are covered by a protective layer of fluoride, which is washed off with water.

To preserve the positive effect of brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with special alcohol-free solutions.

Treadmill Workout

7 Super Healthy Habits That Appear to Be Harmful
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The treadmill is one of the most popular training devices, as it helps eliminate excess calories. However, prolonged periods of exercise on a treadmill can be harmful to the joints.

To avoid this, it is recommended to add some muscle strengthening exercises to your treadmill workouts. This will help you not only lose weight, but also keep your muscles in shape.


A nap at noon looks nice and healthy. However, some scientists believe that it can cause some heart disease.

Along with this, long periods of sleep affect memory and brain function.

Hand Sanitizers

7 Super Healthy Habits That Appear to Be Harmful
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The commercials led us to believe that only antiseptic and antibacterial soaps can protect us from disease. However, frequent use of these products can lead to the emergence of new and stronger germs.

According to scientists, ordinary soap is as good for everyday use as it is antibacterial.

Regular Medical Examinations

7 Super Healthy Habits That Appear to Be Harmful
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Annual checkups can, in fact, be absolutely useless. Along with that, they are usually quite expensive.

The principles of clinical examination say that it is best for patients to be examined according to their age group and diseases common to those ages.

Taking Vitamins

Thanks to commercials we know that vitamins are essential for our body and that their absence can cause unfavorable reactions. But we don’t know if taking vitamins can be dangerous in some cases.

Scientists have found that those who take vitamins and have some bad habits suffer from serious diseases up to 46% more than those who do not take them. That is why you should always consult your doctor before starting to take vitamins.

Diet Drinks

7 Super Healthy Habits That Appear to Be Harmful
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The producers of diet sodas are trying to convince us that they are lower in calories and therefore less harmful to health and the body.

According to scientists, drinking just one can of diet soda a day can lead to heart disease, increased blood pressure, and weight gain.