Our smell is one of the main sensations we have. They say that we can even choose a partner by smell. And it is also obvious that the products we eat can also influence the smell of our body.

We found out which products are bad for body odor. We really are what we eat!


9 Products That Make Your Body Smell Unpleasant
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Charles Stewart, a British scientist, showed that an unpleasant body odor can be related to eating tomatoes. He found the similarity of the smell of his sweat compared to tomato stem oil and began to analyze this coincidence. The smell of sweat is influenced by the terpene and carotenoids of the tomato.

Scientific research has shown the connection between the amount of tomatoes and other terpenic products you consume and the increased smell of sweat. Therefore, be careful to eat your favorite vegetable in moderation.


9 Products That Make Your Body Smell Unpleasant
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Surprisingly, Southeast Asians and almost all Native Americans are lactose intolerant. These people have a small amount of the digestive enzyme lactase.

Others in the world may also have a reduced level of this enzyme, leading to abnormal gas production, bloating, and flatulence.

In some cases, metabolic disorders cause cabbage-smelling sweat. If the body cannot digest leucine, isoleucine, and valine in dairy products, human biological fluids smell like maple syrup.

If you don’t have any of the above symptoms, you can safely drink milk.


Fish contains unusually high amounts of vitamin A. However, some types of fish, such as trout and tuna, have a lot of choline (vitamin B4). Adds a fishy smell to the natural body odor.

People with a high concentration of choline are vulnerable to “fish smell syndrome” or trimethylaminuria, which is cured by a special diet and medical treatment.


Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain many oxidation retardants. But they also contain a lot of sulfur, which can lead to an unpleasant odor.

Sulfur decomposes into unpleasant smelling substances, remains for many hours and influences flatulence. You should not refuse to eat cabbage, but it is better to monitor the amount in your daily diet.


9 Products That Make Your Body Smell Unpleasant
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Durian is an exotic fruit that is grown in Southeast Asia. It has an incredible taste accompanied by a horrible smell. Ripe durian smells like rotten fish, manure, and dirty sheets, but the creamy substance inside is very tasty. Fruit is also a “box” of vitamins, minerals, sulfur, and amino acids.

Durian generously shares its scent with its diner. If you touch it with your bare hands, you will not be able to remove the odor for several days. It is common in Thailand, Singapore, and other countries to ban the consumption of this fruit in public places.

Fibrous products

9 Products That Make Your Body Smell Unpleasant
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Cereals, offals, nuts, and granola are these products. They are useful for your digestive system and contain many useful elements. But they stimulate the production of gas (methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide).

If you are a fan of cereals, you should drink more water, as it can reduce the negative effect of these fibrous products.

Chili, Garlic, Onion

There are no vampires, but we all know that they die from garlic. Sometimes what is deadly to a vampire can also be terrible to a human.

Garlic, onion, and chili peppers accumulate substances that are released by the lungs and sweat, causing the body and mouth to have a strong odor.

Therefore, if you are planning a romantic dinner, think twice before using these products, as the strong smell can linger for several hours.


Asparagus is a low-calorie product (30 calories for about 0.2 pounds) and is very attractive to fans of weight loss. Contains saponin and coumarin.

The former is good if you have sclerosis or peptic ulcer. Coumarin supports the vascular system of the heart. Asparagus is also a natural antioxidant and aphrodisiac.

However, asparagus alter the smell of sweat and urine and produce methanethiol, a stimulator of digestive gases. It is no wonder that, in ancient times, hunters used the product to remove the natural odor from the body.

Red Meat

9 Products That Make Your Body Smell Unpleasant
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Red meat prides itself on being rich in vitamins, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and creatine. But it is very difficult for digestion processes. Stagnant red meat begins to rot, which negatively influences the smell of body waste.

Eating this type of meat more than twice a week can negatively influence its smell. This conclusion is supported by many experiments.