If you look at the nails, you will notice light areas at the base. These are moons or lunules. Their change in color, shape, or size can indicate not only the presence of a disease but also the predisposition to it.

These diagnostics help you understand the problem early and take action. We learned to diagnose your health with the help of lunulae.

What Your Fingernails Say About Your Health

When A Lunula Changes On One Finger

8 Health Problems the Moons on Your Nails Warn You About

The lunula on the little finger, as a rule, should be almost imperceptible or completely absent. It is related to the functioning of the kidneys, the small intestine, and the heart. An enlarged lunula can be the result of high blood pressure.

The ring finger is responsible for the work of the reproductive and lymphatic systems. An almost invisible lunula can suggest problems with digestion.

The middle finger is related to the functioning of the brain and the cardiovascular system. The absence of a lunula can indicate vascular problems and hypertension.

The lunula of the index finger may disappear or become considerably smaller due to improper function of the intestine, pancreas, or E.N.T. diseases.

The lunula of the thumb reflects the work of the lungs and spleen. It is the most visible of all and should not occupy more than 25% of the entire nail. It can decrease significantly in smokers or bigger when you have arterial hypertension.

Overly Large Lunulae

8 Health Problems the Moons on Your Nails Warn You About

Lunules are considered large when they occupy a third (or more) of the nail. They indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, heartbeat disorders, and low blood pressure.

Large lunulae can often be found in athletes and people whose occupation is related to physical activity. If a person does not play sports, enlarged lunules may appear due to a high level of stress.

Small Lunulae

8 Health Problems the Moons on Your Nails Warn You About

The small lunules, which are barely visible behind the cuticle, indicate hypertension and circulatory disorders. This can be a sign of a weak immune system, poor metabolism, or a lack of iron and B12.

If the lunules are visibly separated from the rest of the nail plate by transverse lines, this indicates problems with blood sugar levels and the possible development of diabetes.

Lunulae Aren’t Visible At All

8 Health Problems the Moons on Your Nails Warn You About

Don’t panic if you haven’t found any lunules on your own nails or your children’s nails. They are usually not visible on children’s nails and appear over time. In some people, they do not even appear due to the physiological specificities of the nail structure.

However, modern medicine perceives the sudden disappearance of lunules as one of the symptoms of a circulatory disorder. This study showed that the lack of lunula is related to disorders of the thyroid gland and a deficiency of vitamin B12 and iron.

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