Calisthenics allows you to tone your entire body with minimal equipment, so they are essentially bodyweight exercises. All you need is a horizontal bar and you can do these exercises indoors and outdoors. As a result, your body will be toned and strong, and flexible.

We prepared a little training for you. We select the exercises that can be done at home and group them according to the level of difficulty. You can start with the easier exercises and gradually move on to the more difficult ones. Don’t forget to warm up quickly before starting and do the exercises 2-3 times a week.

Best Exercises to Tone Up


11 Simple Exercises to Tone Your Whole Body at Home

Difficulty level: 1

This exercise is ideal for the lateral abdomen. Do it 10 to 15 times on each leg. You must choose the number of series based on your level of physical condition: we recommend doing 3 to 5 series.

Difficulty level: 1

Cross your ankles and raise your knees. Cross your arms at chest level and lift your shoulders off the ground. Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps each.

Difficulty level: 2

Lying on your back, place your arms flat on the floor. Perform “lifts” by holding the upper position for a few seconds. Be careful if you have back problems. Again, do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps each.


11 Simple Exercises to Tone Your Whole Body at Home

Difficulty level: 1

You can do these exercises as a warm-up for your glutes and legs: lie down in a chair and do several sets of 15-20 squats on each leg.

Difficulty level: 2

The lower the squat, the more difficult it will be. For starters, you can squat on something like a couch but just touch a little, without actually sitting on it.

Keep your back straight and your knees directly over your ankles. Do 20 squats in one set, choose the number of sets depending on how you feel.

Difficulty level: 2

Now, it’s time for jumps. Jump from the starting position by stretching one leg back. Do the exercise on each leg 10-15 times.


11 Simple Exercises to Tone Your Whole Body at Home

Difficulty level: 1

You can make a horizontal bar out of something you have at home or buy one. The higher the bar, the more difficult the exercise will be. Do 3-5 sets of 10 pushups each.

Difficulty level: 2

The side plank is ideal for the arm, abdominal, and leg muscles. Keep one arm in the air for at least a minute. If it is too difficult for you, keep one knee bent as shown in the picture. The most difficult variation is done with straight legs from the starting position of the classic plank.


11 Simple Exercises to Tone Your Whole Body at Home

Difficulty level: 1

To warm up your legs, do leg movements. They are great for the hips. Squatting with one leg while the other is straight is also very effective. Do each exercise 20 times in 3-5 sets.

Difficulty level: 1

Place your palms on the floor and do leg swings: 20 swings for each leg.

Difficulty level: 2

When doing this exercise, be sure to watch your back. Stay in the plank position for a few seconds after each jump and then return to the starting position. Do 15 to 20 repetitions.

Try these exercises and tell us how you like them in the comment section below!

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