Each person has innate flexibility, which is why children easily do splits and put their legs over their heads. Over time, we lose our natural flexibility and joint mobility. Office work also worsens the situation. Finally, we find it difficult to straighten our back or impossible to zip up a dress.
We have 5 exercises that will help you assess your body’s flexibility and guess your age group. Be ready: the results can be unpleasant. Warm-up before trying the exercises: you can jump and do squats and leg movements.
How Do You Check Your Body Age
1. Let’s Check The Flexibility Of The Shoulder Joint

Let’s try this:
was It easy? Congratulations Either you are doing well or you are young.
“I did it, but it was quite a challenge.” You need to practice more.
If it was too difficult, carefully hold your elbows with your palms behind your back. Stay in this position for a few minutes. Practice more if you don’t want to experience frozen shoulder symptoms.
2. Let’s Check The Flexibility Of The Spine

Let’s try this:
If you can put your whole palm on the ground, it’s great! You are no more than 25 years old and you stretch regularly.
If you touch the ground with your fingers, that’s fine, but you should practice.
If you can’t touch the ground, you really need to exercise. Your spinal joints are probably ready to become friends with a sofa, a warm blanket, and knitting.
3. Let’s Check The Front Part Of Your Neck And Your Shoulder Girdle Flexibility

Let’s try this:
If you can’t touch your heels, don’t try too hard. Bend backward, supporting your back with your hands. You need to work on your flexibility. You are definitely not a teenager.
It would be great if it were easy. Congratulations Get out of the pose slowly.
4. Let’s Check The Flexibility Of The Hip Joint

Let’s try this:
If you can touch your knee to your forehead and stay in that position for at least 2 minutes, we can congratulate you! your physical age is close to school age.
If you can’t touch your knee or your leg involuntarily bends, your joints aren’t mobile and your back muscles aren’t elastic enough.
5. Let’s Check The Flexibility Of Your Knee Joint

Let’s try this:
When you are young, this exercise is not difficult. By taking small steps, you come out of the pushup pose and perform the “letter A” pose easily.
After 30 years, it is challenging to pass this test without bending your elbows, knees, and back. Remember this problem and pay more attention to stretching.
If you failed this test, you are probably over 50 and you’re not friends with sports at all.
What task was the most difficult for you? Share in the comments. Let’s find out which part of the body is less flexible, according to statistics.
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