Some may think that office work is the least difficult or damaging of all. However, doctors say the exact opposite.

We learned a few things about a serious illness that threatens office workers. Take our short testand find out if you have reason to worry.

Gluteus medius tendinopathy, commonly known as dead butt syndrome, is a risk for people who sit for many hours. This causes the glutes to forget they need to work and atrophy, distributing the workload among the other parts of the body.

This Little-Known Condition Endangers All Office Workers’ Health
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Muscle tone decreases and pain begins in the waist, knees, and pelvis. The human body is a complex system that suffers as a whole if one part of it collapses.

The gluteal muscles act as shock absorbers during movement and, if weakened, the load is distributed unevenly, which can lead to serious injury.

This Little-Known Condition Endangers All Office Workers’ Health
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To find out if you have signs of this disease, take a simple test. Get up and lift one leg. If the hip of that leg sags, the gluteal muscles weaken.

This Little-Known Condition Endangers All Office Workers’ Health

People who lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle should follow these recommendations:

  • Get up from the chair regularly and warm your legs or just get up a little;
  • go up and down the stairs for at least a few floors;
  • doing exercises that activate the gluteal muscles, such as squatting or stretching your legs;
  • do a crab pose to strengthen the gluteal muscles;
  • alternately raise and lower your legs under the table;
  • buy a gymnastic ball and sit on it instead of a chair (at least at home).