To diversify your exercise routine, you don’t need to buy a barbell or go to the gym. Ankle weights are an excellent solution.

We have found 7 ankle weight exercises for you to help you tighten and strengthen your legs and glutes.

Side Lunges

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Take a big step to the side with your right leg. Bend your left knee to form a 90-degree angle. Keep your right leg straight. Go back to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

Bulgarian Lunges

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Put your right foot on a chair. Bend your left knee to form a 90-degree angle. Your knee should not extend beyond your toes. Repeat with the other leg.

One-leg Squat

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Place your right leg on your left knee, as shown in the picture. Do a squat. Repeat with the other leg.

Fire Hydrants

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Place your hands and knees on the floor. Start by lifting your left leg straight into the air and out to the sides at a 90-degree angle, as shown in the picture. Repeat with your right leg.

Front Lunges

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Step forward with your left leg in a lunge position, as shown in the picture. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle.

The left knee should not extend beyond the toes and the right knee should not touch the ground. Repeat with the other leg.

Bird Dog

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Place your hands and knees on the floor. Start by raising your right hand and left leg straight, as shown in the picture. Feel the tension in your butt. Repeat with the other leg.

Donkey Kicks

Enhance Your Workout With 7 New Easy Legs and Butt Exercises That Use Ankle Weights
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Place your hands and knees on the floor. Start by lifting your left leg back to create tension in your butt.

You can do this in several ways: with one leg straight or with the leg bent at the knee. Repeat with the other leg.

Just train 3 or 4 days a week, separating the sessions by a few days. Repeat each exercise at least 20 times. And your ass will be ready for the beach!

What exercise do you like the most? Have you ever used ankle weights for your workout? Tell us!

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