In early May, the British website YouGov conducted a study with 3,500 participants who were required to complete a questionnaire asking them to name the types of clothing they found completely disgusting.

The results were unexpected because, on the anti-trend list, there were clothes that were still very popular with ordinary men and women around the world.

We partially agree with this list, but we also have some clothes and accessories that we could add.

Tracksuits In Everyday Life

8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© badgalriri / instagram© eastnews

Tulle Skirts

8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© aliexpress© aliexpress

Colorful Braces

8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© eastnews© eastnews


8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© aliexpress© aliexpres

Mirror Glasses

8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© depositphotos© bellahadid / instagram

Street Style Slippers With Artificial Fur

8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© aliexpress© aliexpress


8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© eastnews© eastnews

Flash Tattoos

8 Anti-Trends of This Year and Pieces You Can Replace Them With
© / instagram© / instagram

Do you agree that these pieces of clothing aren’t trendy anymore? Share your opinions in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit aliexpressaliexpress