Everyone loves sunny days, right? Well, almost everyone, as there are many people who must be very careful in the sun due to the risk of skin damage. Sunscreen is recommended so that everyone can protect themselves from the risk of skin cancer, hyperpigmentation, and premature aging.
If sunspots are something you often notice on your body, this article is for you! Since no one is immune to this type of skin problem, we have put together a list of useful tips to help you Get Rid of Sunspots With Natural Remedies.
#1. Lemon
Why it contains citric acid, which is an excellent bleaching agent. However, it can also cause a slight burn.
How much? Squeeze the lemon juice and apply it with a cotton ball. If you have extra sensitive skin, dissolve the lemon juice in a little water.
How often? Approximately 3-4 times a week. Pay close attention to how your skin feels and behaves and reduce the number of applications if irritation occurs.
#2. Papaya
Why it has enzymes, which also have peeling properties (also look for them in professional scrubs). Look what enzymes are here.
How much? Grate or puree and apply this puree. Rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
How often? It is softer than lemon, so you can use it in the morning and at night.
#3. Red onion
Why it is naturally acidic and helps dark spots disappear.
How much? Get ready for a little smell. Mix 1 tablespoon of red onion juice with 2 tablespoons of honey. Put the excess in the fridge. Apply on dark spots, but try first on your body before applying on the face. Rinse well after 15 minutes to remove the smell.
How often? Biweekly.
#4. Tomato
Why It is known that tomato has a lightening effect on the skin. Korean beauty brands that are crazy about a porcelain look have whole lines of tomato-based products. They are also considered a superfood.
How much? Consider buying a mask to whiten the tomato or use a fresh-squeezed tomato juice. Or simply place a small thin slice in the affected area and leave it for about 10 minutes.
How often? 3-4 times a week.
#5. Sweet almond oil
Why, Unlike red onion, sweet almond oil smells wonderful. It is not very cheap, but it offers incredible properties, such as oleic and linoleic acids and vitamins A, B2, B6, D, and E. In addition, it is not fatty and quickly absorbed.
How much? You can use it as a lotion and gently apply a few drops on the face and directly on the dark spots. Do not wash
How often? Every night before bedtime.
#6. Vitamin E
Why This is something wonderful that is useful for many problems. You can use it to hydrate the cuticles, add treatments, take it internally as a supplement and apply it on the skin as a bleaching agent.
How much? It is better in capsules since it is easier to use one capsule at a time. Squeeze it on the skin, spread it and do not rinse it before going to bed. Go to sleep and let him do his magic!
How often? As many times as you want, no damage will occur.
#7. Apple Cider Vinegar
Why A healthy product in itself, apple cider vinegar is also excellent for treating sunspots, and even better for preventing them. It contains alpha hydroxylic acids that work well against sunlight.
How much? Mix half a teaspoon of vinegar with a teaspoon of lemon juice (double potency) to create a paste. Apply with a cotton pad and then wash it when it is dry. If you want to use it as a mask, first try applying a small amount to the forehead to see if there is any irritation.
How often? As a mask once a week is enough. If you want to apply it locally to locations, it is better to do it every day.
#8. Green Tea
Why but why not? Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects are good inside and out.
How much? The stronger you produce, the better it will be in this case. Apply with a cotton ball or use a teabag to caress (not rub) the skin.
How often? The frequency is yours. In general, it is recommended to do this every day.
Dairy products
#9. Buttermilk
Why let’s start with “what” this time. Buttermilk is what remains after the butter is removed from the milk. It is liquid and has lactic acid, which helps eliminate dead skin cells.
How much? Dip a cotton ball in it and place it in the dark place. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse. But do not apply it in sensitive areas, because lactic acid can irritate them.
How often? Daily.
#10. Turmeric
Why A colorful and cheerful spice with excellent antiseptic properties.
How much? Mix with any of the above oils or honey to make a thick paste. Mixed with honey, it is better for local use, but it can be applied as a mask if mixed with oils.
How often? 2 times per week
How To Get Rid of Sunspots On Skin
In fact, there are some natural remedies that you can try to reduce the redness and appearance of dark sunspots. We recommend that you try the above and see what works best for you personally. But remember that self-treatment is highly recommended only after consulting with a doctor.
Some sunspots can be a sign of skin disease. Therefore, we also recommend seeking professional help if nothing works.
If you can’t use lemon and yogurt to help fight lentigines, hyperpigmentation or reddish and dull skin, consider the following:
Chemical peeling: it will redden your skin for a few days after the procedure, but it is worth it.
Microdermabrasion: Gently exfoliates dead skin cells, promotes a fresher and brighter appearance and increases collagen production.
Cryosurgery: it is not invasive, so do not be alarmed by the name. The dark spot freezes and then turns white. Then he develops a scab that falls in a few days.
Laser treatment: it is quite effective, but it has two disadvantages: first, you may need several sessions and, secondly, your skin will be more sensitive for some time after that, so it is highly recommended that you stay away from the sun.
We would love to hear your stories about how to fight sunspots and other skin problems! Please share them in the comments. Perhaps your stories help other people who suffer from such problems!
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