Mass culture dictates a healthy lifestyle and diet rules and every day online, fitness bloggers with perfect bodies tell us to exercise every day and eat arugula salads for dinner. However, they rarely talk about the consequences and side effects of this lifestyle.
In the US, 30 million people have developed eating disorders from dieting and trying to become attractive and fit. This article is about men and women of different ages, with different body types; Many of them don’t even know they are in a risk group!
We collect several warning signs that it’s time to rethink your diet before a more dangerous disorder develops.
Early Signs Of An Eating Disorder
You Spend A Lot Of Time Examining Your Body’s Flaws

One of the most popular rituals girls have is standing in front of the mirror while looking at their belly and hips. There is nothing wrong with that unless it happens 15 times a day.
People with eating disorders are so obsessed with their bodies that they feel like they need to check their tummy after every meal. They do this to reduce their anxiety level.
You Panic When You Skip A Workout

Being physically active is a great way to lose extra weight and improve your mood, but like everything else, you shouldn’t exercise too much.
If you have family, work, friends, hobbies, or children, daily exercise can leave you exhausted and unsociable. When skipping a workout causes you discomfort or panic and you feel the need to burn calories immediately after a meal, it could indicate an eating disorder.
The Condition Of Your Hair, Skin, And Nails Has Worsened

When an eating disorder becomes very serious, its consequences are noticeable in the person’s appearance. If a person does not get enough nutrients from food, their skin begins to peel. The person may begin to lose hair and notice a decrease in the condition of the nails.
There may be other signs, such as bags under the eyes, puffiness, dry mouth, vision problems, and menstrual problems in women. This is the body’s way of showing us that it is not receiving adequate care and that the situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
Food Is The Biggest Pleasure Of Your Life

Many people say this as a joke and there is nothing unusual about enjoying food. But if that pleasure becomes more important than anything else, or if you don’t have enough energy or time for anything else, this is a worrying sign that means you should probably see a doctor.
The obsession with food and eating is a popular problem because it is much easier to buy and eat something tasty than to build a relationship that makes you happy or is successful at work. But easier doesn’t always mean better.
You’re Scared Of Eating With Other People Near You

If a person has an eating disorder, meeting friends in a restaurant becomes torture. “What will they think if I eat all the food?” or “They ordered salads and I want pizza, so I’ll ask for water”, “If I ask for something else, everyone will think I’m fat”, “I’ll have dessert at home”, these are just some of the thoughts triggered by an eating disorder.
With thoughts like these, a person cannot relax and enjoy a good meal with nice people.
You Regularly Have Cheat Meals

Fake foods are days when you can forget about your diet and eat whatever you want. They are often a bridge between orthorexia and bulimia. Overeating leads to guilt, so the person begins to control their diet, even more, leading to overeating and feeling guilty again.
A person with an eating disorder can eat 10,000 calories a day and still feel hungry. It is very difficult to break this vicious cycle unless you ask for help.
Is food your friend or foe? Let us know in the comment section below!