To sit or not to sit, that is the question. The love of your own body is taking care of your health, and when life puts you in a situation where there are only 2 options: humiliation or the public toilet, of course, we choose the lesser evil.
We decided to find out more about this delicate problem and see if public toilets are as dangerous as we think. We have developed some rules to help you visit public toilets safely.
Rule #1. The Most Dangerous Places Are The Ones That Seem The Safest.
No one knows for sure how many bacteria are under the toilet seat or on its lid. The BioCote company decided to find out more about every surface in a public toilet and collected samples after a day’s work in their office.
We discovered that more than 50,000 different microorganisms are constantly close to us. It may be unexpected, but the most polluted place in the bathroom was the sink. That’s because that’s where most germs are found, and sinks don’t clean as well as bathrooms.
Later, Arizona scientists came to the same conclusion: Only 19% of all bacteria in bathrooms can be found in the bathroom, while the rest can be found in bathtubs and sinks. In addition, there are entire colonies of bacteria on floors, walls, doorknobs, and flush buttons.
Rule #2. Pay Attention To The Details.
When visiting a public toilet, pay attention to a few things before using it. In the right bathroom, there should be soap, toilet paper, and the cleaning schedule on the wall.
Check the schedule itself – the date should be today and the time slots should be no more than a few hours apart.
Rule #3. Choose The Right Stall.
It’s surprising, but according to scientists, even when there are only 2 cabins in a bathroom, people are more likely to choose the second one. So when you enter a public toilet, go to the first cabin. Fewer people have been there so it will be cleaner.
Rule #4. Adapt To The Location.
If you need to leave your purse or things, choose the safest place: outside the bathroom. But if you have no choice and no one to hold your bag, don’t leave your things on the floor. The safest place is the toilet tank.
Rule #5. Sit Correctly.
Humanity has not had real toilets for a long time throughout history. And only recently have people designed the bathrooms that we know and use today. However, the position we adopt when we sit in such a bathroom is not natural.
The 90 ° position (left) causes tension and strain and can cause constipation and hemorrhoids. And the 35 ° (right) position is natural where everything can follow its natural course.
Therefore, as in public toilets we often have to rush, it is best to sit in the 35 ° position to avoid injury.
However, you must remember that not all public toilets allow visitors to stand in their seats. So if you are in such a bathroom, just don’t touch the seat to avoid bacteria.
Public toilets are not as scary as they seem. What public places are you afraid to visit? Let us know in the comment section below!