Cleaning your ears is an important part of your personal hygiene routine. It helps to remove excess earwax and debris that can accumulate in your ears, leading to discomfort and even hearing problems.
However, knowing the proper way to clean your ears is essential to avoid damaging your ear canal or eardrum. In this article, we will guide you through the complete hierarchy of cleaning your ears, including the advantages and disadvantages of different methods.
How to Clean Ear:
The first and foremost thing to remember while cleaning your ears is to never use cotton swabs or other sharp objects. They can push the earwax deeper into your ear canal, causing blockages or even rupturing your eardrum. Instead, start by washing the outside of your ears with warm water and a bar of gentle soap. Use a soft cloth to pat them dry.

For removing excess earwax, you can use over-the-counter ear drops or mineral oil. Lie on your side, and gently tilt your head so that the ear is facing upwards. Place a few drops of ear drops or mineral oil into your ear canal and let it sit for a few minutes.
Then, use a bulb syringe filled with warm water to flush out the wax gently. Repeat the process for the other ear.
Advantages and Disadvantages:
The advantage of using ear drops or mineral oil is that they soften the earwax, making it easier to remove. However, they can also cause irritation, itching, or infection if not used correctly.
The disadvantage of using a bulb syringe is that if the water is too hot or too cold, it can cause vertigo or dizziness. Also, if the syringe is not used correctly, it can cause damage to your ear canal.
Other Methods to Clean Ears:
Apart from using ear drops and a bulb syringe, there are other methods you can use to clean your ears. One of the most common methods is ear irrigation, where water is used to flush out the earwax.
This can be done by a medical professional or at home using an ear irrigation kit. However, this method should be avoided if you have a perforated eardrum or ear infection.
Another method is ear candling, where a hollow candle is inserted into the ear canal and lit at the other end. This method claims to remove excess earwax, but there is no scientific evidence to support it. In fact, it can be dangerous as it can cause burns or puncture the eardrum.
Before cleaning your ears, it is essential to check for any signs of infection or inflammation, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor before cleaning your ears.
Also, if you have a history of ear problems, such as a ruptured eardrum or frequent ear infections, you should avoid using any cleaning methods without consulting a medical professional.

In conclusion, cleaning your ears is a crucial part of your personal hygiene routine. But it is equally important to do it in the right way to avoid causing any harm to your ears.
Remember to use gentle methods such as washing with soap and water, and using ear drops or mineral oil to soften the wax. If you experience any discomfort or pain, consult your doctor or an ear specialist to avoid any potential damage to your ears.