We all want to have a fit butt when summer comes. And now we only have a few more days to build the body of our dreams with some reliable exercise.
We are sick of boring squats – here are some exercises that even lazy people will enjoy. You can customize the number of reps and sets based on your fitness and abilities.
How to Tone Your Butt Fast
Leg Straightening

Starting position: your pelvis remains on the edge of the bed, bend your legs at a right angle and lift them into the air. Start by stretching your legs, keeping them in the air, and contracting your glutes. This exercise is aimed at the gluteus maximus.
Blade Bridge

Starting position: Extend your arms, shoulder blades on the edge of the bed, trunk “freezes” above the floor. Raise your pelvis at a right angle. Remember that the more the legs are extended, the easier the exercise will be.
Side Leg Lifts

To perform this exercise and the following, you will need a yoga mat or a simple mat.
Get on all fours for the starting position: your shoulders should be parallel to your pelvis. Perform a side kick and straighten your leg so that it is parallel to the ground.
Do not squeeze your lower back when you return to the starting position. Repeat the same action with the other leg. This exercise is good for the gluteus medius.
Z Position

This exercise has a positive effect on all the gluteal muscles and the hip joint. Your starting position is illustrated in the picture: slide your left leg back and tighten your gluteal muscles.
If this exercise is too easy for you, you can tense your back thigh, cross your legs, and return to the starting position.
Side Kicks

This exercise pumps the glutes and trains us to maintain balance.
Starting position: Stand on your left foot and raise your right knee to hip level. Raise your knee and fully extend it, as if you want to kick someone. Don’t forget to use your arms for balance.
Fitness Ball Exercises

If you have a fitness ball, you can perform this static exercise that pumps your gluteal and core muscles. Lie on your stomach and hold an exercise ball between your feet.
Engage your abs, extend your arms in front of you, squeeze the ball with your feet, and lift your knees. Freeze for 10 seconds, rest, and do a few more reps.
Do you have your favorite butt exercise? Share with us in the comments!
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