There are many diets, but not all are effective. Some of them are even harmful to our health. To find an effective and healthy method that shows results in 1 month, we recommend that you read this article.

We discovered 5 diets that have been proven scientifically effective. We describe its main rules and learn about its possible side effects.

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A Cyclical Diet

5 Diets That Can Make You More Fit in One Month
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The cyclical diet has nothing in common with other diets that require us to suddenly stop consuming enough calories over an extended period of time. On the contrary, the people who invented this diet claim that such methods impact our body, causing it to conserve energy and slow down our metabolism.

Main features:

The standard format for a cyclical diet is 5 to 6 days of low carb diet and 1 to 2 days of high carbohydrate diet. Australian scientists believe that long and restrictive diets lead to adaptive thermogenesis.

This means that the body slows down all processes to survive while starving. A cyclical diet allows you to avoid the thermogenesis process and your body continues to actively burn calories. A 2-week split is best.

You can also try this option: from Monday to Wednesday, you have a strict diet with the normal amount of calories reduced by 30-40%; And from Thursday to Saturday, you will have “relaxation” days in which the number of calories will increase by the same percentage. Sunday is the day of change.

Possible side effects:

Active strength exercises and cardio when the glucose level is extremely low are prohibited for people with heart disease. This diet is not recommended for people with kidney, liver, or digestive problems.

The Perricone Diet

Dr. Nicholas Perricone is an American nutritionist and dermatologist. His diet can help you get fit and improve your skin, thanks to the fish fats that delay aging.

Main features:

You can eat large amounts of fish, protein, fruits, and vegetables during this diet. You should exclude products such as sauces, sweets, alcohol, and sweets. It is essential to consume the allowed products in a certain order.

First, eat foods that contain protein, then fiber, then foods that contain carbohydrates (fruits). This order helps to slow down the sugar absorption process that contributes to the deposition of fat. You can try this method for 3 days and, if you want, you can extend it for 1 month.

Possible side effects:

There are no contraindications.

The Paleolithic Diet

5 Diets That Can Make You More Fit in One Month
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This diet is also called the Paleo diet or the Stone Age Diet. It was designed by American nutritionist Loren Cordain. It requires the consumption of foods that were supposed to be available or consumed by humans during the Paleolithic era. As we remember from school learning, they hunted and gathered fruits and plants.

Main features:

If you follow this diet, you will have to focus on raw meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey, berries, mushrooms, and fish. You should avoid eating processed foods such as dairy, cereals, sugar, salt, vegetables, sweets, etc.

According to Cordian, these products cause health problems by contradicting the genetic makeup of the human being. There is a study that shows that the Paleolithic diet actually helps you lose weight.

Possible side effects:

If you stop consuming dairy products, cereals and vegetables, it can lead to a deficiency of calcium, iron and magnesium. Too much meat and saturated fat can cause problems with the cardiovascular system. The diet is quite controversial, so it is recommended to only follow a Paleolithic diet in the short term.

Tim Ferriss’ Diet

The author claims that this diet can help you lose up to 22 pounds in 1 month. These aren’t just empty promises: Tim used his own method to get in shape. The program consists of 4 simple rules.

Main features:

Here are Ferriss’s recommendations: First, avoid carbohydrates like bread, rice, potatoes, and fried items. Second, eat the same few meals. There are 3 groups: proteins, vegetables and greens.

For breakfast, have eggs with legumes and vegetables, for lunch, have roast beef with greens and spinach, and for dinner, have a piece of cooked chicken breast with beans and asparagus.

Third, don’t drink calories like soda, alcohol, packaged juices, sweet tea, or coffee. Fourth, take a day off each week to eat your favorite snacks, such as fast food, candy, etc. This trick helps you trick your body into not slowing down your metabolism and continuing to burn fat.

Possible side effects:

There are no contraindications.

The Atkins Diet

5 Diets That Can Make You More Fit in One Month
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This high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet was developed by cardiologist Robert Atkins.

Main features:

If you follow this diet, you will have to reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat and increase the amount of protein. The diet allows for eggs, skinless chicken, low-fat seafood, low-fat dairy, hard cheese, and tofu.

At first, you are not allowed to consume fruits, sugar, vegetables, grains, nuts, pasta, sweets, or alcohol; But after induction is over, you can slowly add some of these products back.

You will not starve as you can eat as many protein-containing foods as you like. In short, due to carbohydrate deficiency, your body needs to extract energy from its fat stores.

Possible side effects:

Be patient and slow when starting this diet: it is not a balanced diet. Since you will be deficient in carbohydrates, this can cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and constipation.

You have to consume the missing microelements with vitamins. In addition, the diet is prohibited if you suffer from certain diseases (for example, diabetes). Therefore, before starting to follow this diet, you should consult your doctor.

Have you tried any of these diets? Share your experience and results to inspire others!

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