A flat backside is not something that looks sexy in a bathing suit or skinny jeans. Start doing these exercises to get the body of your dreams. You don’t need to join a gym to build a butt like Kim Kardashian’s.
We have put together 9 exercises to help you get an amazing bubble butt.
Exercises For Your Dream Bubble Booty

Take a big step back and to the side towards the supporting leg as shown in the picture. Sit down and bend the knee of the supporting leg. The knee should not go past the toes.
Get up and stretch your legs. Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
Kettlebell Squat

You can use a heavy water bottle instead of a kettlebell.
Bend your knees as shown in the picture and do an incomplete squat. Keep your back straight and lean forward on the floor. Feel the tension in your buttocks.
Stand up and repeat 15 times and do 2 sets.

You can use a heavy water bottle instead of a barbell.
Bend your knees a little. Keep your back straight and lean forward as shown in the picture. Feel the tension in your buttocks.
Stand up and repeat 15 times and do 2 sets.
High Knees

Raise your left knee and feel the tension in your right buttock. Repeat 25 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
Step Up

Step up with your right and left leg, one after the other. Raise your right knee and feel the tension in your left buttock. Repeat 20 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
Leg-up Plank

Stand in a plank position as shown in the picture. Raise your left leg. Hold this position for 2 seconds. Repeat 15 times and do 2 sets on each leg.
What exercise did you like the most? Will you include them in your training? Share your opinion with us in the comments!
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