Weight loss doesn’t always require eating tasteless salads and regular visits to the gym. The desired body shape can be achieved more easily, simply by taking deep breaths. Combined with a simple exercise, deep breathing can help shed excess fat and make results last.
By doing so, our bodies are filled with a greater amount of oxygen, which helps us absorb nutrients and speeds up our metabolism.
We have found 6 ready-to-use breathing exercises that won’t take long and will require you to use a bottle, put on a face, mimic a canister, and of course take a deep breath.
Breathing Exercises That Can Help You Lose Belly Fat
Bottle Breathing Exercise

This exercise is a combination of the popular body-bending breathing exercises and the famous Frolov Workout. To do this, you will only need an empty plastic bottle.
The starting position: get on all fours and squeeze the neck of the bottle between your teeth.
What to do:
Inhale and exhale slowly, using diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale through your nose and push the air out of the bottle while flexing your diaphragm and abdominal muscles. The most important part is taking a short but slightly powerful exhale.
Do 15 of these exhalations or just repeat the exercise for 10-15 minutes without counting.
Important: Exercise carefully, don’t get dizzy! If you feel out of breath or in any other discomfort, take a break and return to exercise later.
Lion’s Breath

While this exercise may seem a bit silly, it is extremely good for the neck and helps eliminate a double chin.
The starting position: prepare your yoga mat, kneel down and rest your buttocks on your feet.
What to do:
Place your palms between your legs, palms facing inward, and stretch your arms. Inhale through your nose and then exhale strongly through your mouth while making a “ha” sound.
On the exhale, open your mouth wide and place your tongue as far towards your chin as possible (imagine a lion yawning). The muscles in your neck, chin, and face should feel tight. Finally, inhale. Repeat 4-6 times.
Raised Stretched-Out Foot Pose

This exercise affects the abdominal muscles, strengthens the lumbar and psoas muscles, and improves posture.
The starting position: Lie down on the yoga mat, raise your knees and straighten your legs accordingly.
What to do:
Place your palms on the floor on either side of your pelvis. Exhale and place your hands behind your head and stretch them at the elbows. Take 2 breaths.
As you exhale, raise your legs to a 90 ° angle from the floor and stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. Breathe at a normal rate.
On your next exhale, after waiting 15 to 20 seconds, lower your legs so they are at a 60 ° angle to the floor. Hold this position for about a minute and breathe at a normal rate.
As you exhale, after holding it for one minute, drop your legs at a 30 ° angle to the floor. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute and breathe at a normal rate.
Exhale and slowly place your legs on the floor. Relax.
Boat Pose

This exercise engages all of your abdominal muscles.
Starting position: Sit on the yoga mat with your knees bent.
What to do:
Extend your hands to your legs and lean back. Wrap your abdomen and extend your arms straight. Extend your legs straight and lift your feet, forming your body in a V shape.
Hold down V for 15-20 seconds and don’t forget to breathe calmly. Repeat 3-4 times.
Cooling Breath
This exercise gives you control over your hunger and thirst, and calms your body and mind.
The starting position: Get into a lotus position (or any other cross-legged position in which you feel relaxed).
What to do:
Stick out your tongue and turn around. Inhale through your curly tongue. Begin with a 4 second inhalation and exhale for 6 seconds through your nostrils. Do this exercise for 5 minutes.
Have you tried other breathing exercises before? What effect did they have? Share with us in the comment section!