Women in the United States cry about 3.5 times a month, while men cry about 1.9 times a month, according to the data. However, society often sees crying as a sign of weakness. But if you feel like you need to cry, don’t hold back the tears. In fact, they have more health benefits than we think.
This article sheds light on some of the health benefits of crying.
Why Crying Is Good For Your Health
A 2014 study found that crying can help people relax in times of stress. The results of crying are not immediate and it may take a few minutes before the body begins to relax.
According to the researchers, crying activates the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). When activated, the PNS has a calming effect on the brain.
Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can lead to several serious health problems, including stroke, heart attack, heart failure, dementia, and even kidney failure.
But the good news is that, according to various studies, crying not only lowers blood pressure and keeps it under control, but intense crying can also stabilize the pulse.
Accumulation Of Toxins
The tears that flow from your eyes as you cry can clear debris, such as smoke and dust, from your eyes. Also, when we cry, our tears release toxins that build up in the body due to stress.
This elimination of toxins helps reduce cortisol levels in the body, resulting in a more cheerful mood. So it is not surprising that we often feel the weight disappear after a good crying session.
Mood Swings
If you wonder why your behavior has become aggressive and you continue to feel anxious and irritable lately, keep in mind that there can be no definitive answer.
Mood swings can occur for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is the accumulation of manganese in the body.
When we cry, this excess manganese leaves the body along with our tears. This reduces your concentration in the body and as a result, makes you feel calm and focused.
When we have physical pain, some tears flow involuntarily. This is the body’s way of reducing the sensation of pain. Research has found that, in addition to being self-reliant, the shedding of emotional tears releases oxytocin and endorphins.
These chemicals make people feel good and can also ease physical and emotional pain.
Remember that tears can be shed due to pain and happiness. Do you cry often? Are you relieved after that?