Aging is inevitable and with it, visible signs such as gray hair, hair loss, and unwanted wrinkles appear. But while aging cannot be slowed down, its signs can: maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a regular diet can help with this.

To keep your body toned and your mind sharp, we have created a list of 6 drinks that will help you age gracefully.

Drinks That Slow Down the Signs of Aging


6 Anti-Ageing Drinks To Conquer Over Growing Age
© Hirotaka Nakajima / flickr

Coffee has historically earned a bad name, but new research shows that much of it was fake. Additionally, there is now evidence that caffeine protects the body against chronic inflammation, a common problem with age.

Also, drinking coffee reduces the risk of skin cancer. A study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention found that whoever drank a cup of coffee every day reduced their risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer by approximately 10%.


6 Anti-Ageing Drinks To Conquer Over Growing Age
© Personal Creations / flickr

Add fruits like bananas and berries to Greek yogurt to make this delicious anti-aging smoothie. Ripe bananas are rich in pectin, which keeps the body’s sugar level in check.

Pectin also helps remove harmful toxins from the body, which is essential in slowing down the aging process. On the other hand, berries are a rich source of vitamin C, which helps keep skin smooth and radiant.


6 Anti-Ageing Drinks To Conquer Over Growing Age
© Pjrsoap / Wikimedia Commons

While drinking too much wine or drinking too much can cause serious liver damage and make you look older than you really are, drinking in moderation reduces inflammation and diseases associated with aging.

Also, drinking moderately (one glass a day for women and 2 for men) can prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. However, the beverage of choice should be red wine, as it contains the beneficial “resveratrol.”


6 Anti-Ageing Drinks To Conquer Over Growing Age

The adult human body is approximately 65% ​​water, so keeping the body hydrated is important for the proper functioning of various organs, our skin being our largest visible organ. Without proper hydration, skin can become dry and wrinkled and appear aged.

Drinking water also helps us remove harmful toxins from the body and keeps us looking fresh and youthful.


6 Anti-Ageing Drinks To Conquer Over Growing Age
© Alangi Derick / Wikimedia Commons

Green tea is rich in an anti-aging antioxidant that helps prevent wrinkles by increasing cell renewal. You can also create a mask to refresh your skin by mixing green tea powder with fermented white tea.

Additionally, several studies have concluded that people who regularly consume green and black tea have a reduced risk of heart disease.


6 Anti-Ageing Drinks To Conquer Over Growing Age
© Edsel Little / flickr

Beets are rich in healthy and natural nitrates which, according to a 2011 study published in the journal Nitric Oxide, provide increased blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain, thus reducing the chances of dementia and age-related cognitive decline.

The antioxidants in beets can protect the body from free radicals and fight wrinkles.

What other drinks do you know that can help slow down the signs of aging? Share your secret elixir with the world in the comments below.