You’ve probably already promised yourself an early bedtime only to end up scrolling through social media, and we get it. It’s hard to leave your phone in another room and go offline, even for a few hours. But using your phone before bed can affect your health more than you think.
We also can’t resist the urge to be on our phones before bed. And we’ve done some research to find out how it might affect your overall well-being.
It May Hurt Your Eyes

If you’ve ever felt like your vision suddenly got blurry after spending hours scrolling through your feed, you’re definitely not alone. When you strain while using your smartphone, it can lead to eyestrain, also known as tired eyes.
To protect your eyes, please try to reduce the brightness of the screen and avoid using your phone for a long time.
It May Lead To Neck Pain

When you finally go to bed at the end of a long day, it can seem tempting to spend more time checking your messages or reading the news. But this habit isn’t as harmless as it seems, and using your phone close to bedtime can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.
The blue light from your smartphone not only affects your vision, but it can also disrupt your sleep-wake cycle, which in turn can cause further health complications.
It May Lead To Neck Pain

If you’re familiar with the nagging sensation of neck pain, using your phone in bed can make your existing condition even worse. When you tilt your head forward to look at the screen, in some places the tension in your neck muscles causes pain.
If you can’t imagine going to bed without checking your phone, try holding it at eye level to avoid straining your muscles.
It Might Cause Your Skin To Age Faster

You may be spending a lot of money on expensive skincare, but something as simple as using your phone in bed could be sabotaging all of your efforts.
When you look at your phone, it causes you to develop lines and creases in your neck, which in turn can make you look prematurely aged.
Do you use your cell phone before bed? Have you ever tried to break this habit?