Cardiologists joke that the first symptom of a heart attack is usually the heart attack itself. Fortunately, that is not exactly true. Our body gives us little clues that can save us from big problems: the important thing is to notice them.

A small wrinkle in the ear, almost invisible white spots, or excessive yawning – the symptoms can be unusual and apparently innocuous. However, they can help you detect and start curing heart disease before it’s too late.

We discovered what hidden signs can help identify heart disease.

Unusual Heart Disease Signs


Unusual Heart Disease Signs That Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

The little fat spots on the eyelids, buttocks, elbows, or knees are called xanthomas and they are really harmless. However, these fat deposits indicate so much excess cholesterol that the blood vessels can no longer hold it and begin to remove it from under the skin.

That means the ships urgently need help. They probably already have atherosclerosis, which can lead to significant heart problems.

Yawning During Intense Exercise

Unusual Heart Disease Signs That Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

When the body sweats, it cools down due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. But the human body also has other ways to cool itself, like yawning. This helps saturate the body with oxygen and reduce the temperature inside the head.

If the natural thermoregulatory mechanism fails during exercise, we begin to yawn. There can be several reasons for the failure of thermoregulation and possible heart disease is one of them.

Bad Breath

Unusual Heart Disease Signs That Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

Inflammation of the gums, or periodontitis, can cause bad breath or even tooth loss. But these are not all the possible consequences of the disease. New evidence shows a connection between gums and heart disease.

The fact is, bacteria from inflamed gums can enter the cardiovascular system and initiate inflammation in a new location.

The risk of heart disease in people with periodontitis is 20% higher. No matter how intimidating a visit to the dentist may seem, for your own sake, you shouldn’t ignore it.

No Acne During Adolescence

Unusual Heart Disease Signs That Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

This study only involves men, but the results are interesting. Those who experienced a lot of embarrassment due to teenage acne have a 33% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease.

This is explained by the hormonal activity that influences all the systems of our body.

Ring Finger Length

Unusual Heart Disease Signs That Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

If the ring finger is significantly shorter than the index finger, the risk of heart disease increases. This strange correlation was discovered by British researchers.

The length of the fingers is determined by the amount of testosterone during embryonic development and the hormonal system affects the cardiovascular system.

Blue Lips

Unusual Heart Disease Signs That Can Be Seen With the Naked Eye

Even the lips of a healthy person can turn blue due to hypothermia or when they are at high altitudes. This is because we have low oxygen levels in the blood and poor circulation in these extreme conditions.

But if your lips turn blue for no apparent reason, it means you have poor blood circulation and you should consider visiting a cardiologist to have your heart and blood vessels checked.

As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed. Of course, you shouldn’t panic if you notice you have one of these signs, but it never hurts to see a doctor.

Or maybe you recognize some of the symptoms in your friends and family? Share this article with them and spread awareness!

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