Experts recommend self-monitoring for some health problems, and there are several quick tests you can perform to assess your body’s condition. From holding your breath to pencils, they can help you identify small changes that may indicate that you should see your doctor immediately and ask for their opinion.

We want you to be healthy, so we encourage you to take these 7 tests.


7 Quick Tests to Check Your Health At Home
© Rosmarie Voegtli/flickr

The Amsler test helps identify macular degeneration, a condition that makes vision less acute. Macular degeneration usually appears in people over the age of 50 and progresses very quickly. This can lead to total blindness.

The test should be done in a well-lit room. Position the image 14 to 16 inches from your eyes. Don’t tilt your head forward or to the side and don’t squint.

Cover one eye with your hand and observe the place without blinking for 10 seconds. Do the same with the other eye.

If all the lines are uniform, without distortions, cuts or gray spots, it means that your retina is perfectly healthy. However, if you notice that in some parts of the image the lines are noticeably curved, you should see a doctor immediately.


7 Quick Tests to Check Your Health At Home
  • Find your pulse and count the beats per minute.
  • Do 20 squats.
  • Count your pulse again.
7 Quick Tests to Check Your Health At Home
© tinx/

If the number of beats has increased or decreased a lot, your cardiovascular system may be weak and you should see a doctor to check if you have any conditions.

  • Walk up to the fourth floor, don’t run, just go upstairs. Walk slowly, but not slowly.
  • Find your pulse and count the beats per minute.

If your pulse is around 120 beats per minute, that’s fine. If your pulse exceeds 120 beats per minute, or if you begin to gasp or feel chest pain, see a doctor.

Even when you are experiencing vigorous physical activity, your heart rate should not exceed the limit. The limit is different for different ages.

To calculate this, subtract your age from 220. For example, 220 – 40 = 180, which means that your heart rate should not exceed 180 beats per minute.

The elderly and people with heart problems should multiply the number by 0.64 and 0.76 for moderate exercise and 0.77 and 0.93 for vigorous exercise.

For example:

  • 220 – 60 = 160
  • 160 × 0.64 = 102
  • 160 × 0.76 = 121.
  • 160 × 0.77 = 123.
  • 160 × 0.93 = 148

Based on this, your heart rate when you exercise should be 102 to 148 beats per minute, depending on what exactly you are doing.


7 Quick Tests to Check Your Health At Home

Stay natural and ask someone to take care of you. If your back is more rounded by 45 ° or more and your hips are forward, this indicates severe spinal curvature and you may have kyphosis.

The gap in the spine also indicates that something is wrong with the spine. In that case, you should see a doctor for the exact diagnosis and treatment.

Have someone watch you or take some pictures of you. Use a ruler (or just do it in your imagination) to form a line from the earlobe to the shoulder bone.

If the line is straight, you are fine. If the earlobe is a little further than the bone, this indicates that you have problems with your posture.

Today, almost everyone has a rounded back. It is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. To adjust your posture, try to keep your back straight when you work and do special exercises.

Respiratory System

7 Quick Tests to Check Your Health At Home

The following tests will help you assess the functionality of your respiratory system, learn about the distribution of oxygen throughout your body, and find out if you have any problems with your blood circulation.

Sit down and take a few deep breaths. Exhale. Then take a deep breath and hold it down. It is better to cover your nose with your hand.

Use a stopwatch to monitor how long you can hold your breath. The normal result for a healthy person should not be less than 40 seconds.

We want everyone to always be healthy! Share your results in the comment section below!