One of the most common problems that many women have is being overweight and they worry about it all the time. And with age, another problem arises in the form of wrinkles. Women are willing to do anything to solve these problems: starve, train every day, and even have surgery. The beauty industry offers many ways to lose weight and slow down the aging process.
We learned about a diet that can kill 2 birds with one stone and we can’t stop sharing the basics with you. You will read about the influence of this diet on the body and if you follow this lifting diet by Nicholas Perricone, you will see results in improving the health of your skin in just 3 days.
Anti-ageing Nutrition With The Facelift Diet
Free Radicals And Skin Aging
Nicholas Perricone is the author of Diet Facelift, a dermatologist and nutritionist. He believes in the theory that the reason for premature aging is the free radicals that are present in our body, which in the right amounts help the body to fight infections. However, an increase in the number of free radicals in the body can lead to a weak immune system and wrinkles.
A free radical is a damaged molecule that has lost one of its 2 electrons.
Usually, the causes of damage to the molecules are excessive sugar intake, lack of sleep, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, and drinking.
The antidote to free radicals is high-quality proteins and antioxidants that will return the lost electron to the damaged molecules.
The Facelift Diet
The facelift diet should reduce the number of wrinkles and improve the appearance of skin, hair, and nails, and as a bonus leads to a lighter weight and a fitter body.
The main elements of the diet:
Salmon (preferably wild). This fish is rich in proteins that restore the body’s cells and in omega-3 fatty acids that nourish the skin, making it more luminous and fresh. Additionally, salmon contains antioxidants and DMAE that keep all muscles toned, including facial bones, and prevent wrinkles from forming.
Dark green vegetables. They also contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and prevent aging.
Berries and fruits (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, melon, apples, pears) for dessert. They also contain many antioxidants and carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. They do not raise your blood sugar level too high.
The order in which you should eat is protein first, then carbohydrates.
3-day Diet
There are 2 variants of this famous diet: the 3-day diet and the 28-day diet. Dr. Perricone claims that if you eat salmon at least twice a day during the 3-day diet, you will feel and look much better. Also, this short-term diet will help you prepare your body and mind for the longer variant and understand how well it suits your needs.
3-day diet menu:
Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs and 1 boiled egg and (or) 110-160 grams of salmon (you can substitute fish for poultry or tofu); 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1/2 bowl of fruit, and a piece of cantaloupe; 1-2 glasses of water.
Lunch: 100-150 grams of salmon or tuna; a dark green vegetable salad with oil and lemon juice; 1 kiwi or a lemon wedge and 1/2 cup of berries; 1-2 glasses of water.
Dinner: 100-150 grams of salmon; a dark green vegetable salad with oil and lemon juice; 1/2 bowl of steamed vegetables (broccoli, spinach, asparagus); a piece of melon and 1/2 cup of berries; 1-2 glasses of water.
Before going to bed, you can eat 1 apple; 50 grams of turkey; 150 grams of natural yogurt; a handful of hazelnuts, walnuts, or almonds.
28-day Diet
The 3-day diet could be the start of a longer diet, lasting almost a month. The principle of the 28-day diet is the same: 3 meals a day with 2 snacks, but the list of foods is longer:
- ocean fish and seafood, turkey, and chicken breast;
- all vegetables, except potatoes, carrots, beetroot, peas, and corn;
- parsley;
- berries and fruit, except for bananas, oranges, grapes, watermelon, mango, papaya (these can cause a fast sugar blood increase);
- raw nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans);
- beans, olives, and olive oil;
- fat-free dairy products;
- oatmeal;
- water, green tea, and mineral water.
Definitely prohibited: alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, fruit juices, frozen food, fast food, bread, sweets, and sauces
Would you like to try the face lift diet? Share your secrets to losing weight and getting rid of wrinkles in the comment section below!