Dowager’s hump, or postural kyphosis, is a condition that usually occurs due to slouching. If not treated properly, it can have serious consequences such as hyperkyphosis and vertebral fractures. However, if you notice a small lump on the back of your neck over time, you can completely get rid of it by correcting muscle imbalances and changing some of your daily habits.
We have put together the most useful tips that can help you to solve the problem of widows effectively.
Look At Your Weight

Excess weight is one of the factors that cause the formation of the Dowager’s hump. It’s not that the fat chooses to go to the back of your neck, but as you get fatter, it may look worse in that area.
That is why the first step in getting rid of the hump on your neck should be to change your eating habits and turn to plain water instead of unhealthy drinks.
Control Your Sleeping Position

When you sleep, keep your spine in a position similar to the ideal standing posture, with your shoulders down, your back straight, your knees relaxed, and your hips aligned with your shoulders.
To maintain this position, follow these simple tips:
If you sleep on your back, you don’t need anything under your head, so use a neck pillow. If you sleep on your side, get a pillow that fills the space between your shoulder and neck and place another between your knees and ankles.
Train Your Back Muscles

Experts say that exercises that strengthen the upper body, including the neck and shoulders, are an effective way to prevent and treat Dowager’s hump, as they help increase muscle mass and facilitate the burning of fat in this region of the body.
What to do:
Place your hands on the back of your head and press forward, pushing your head back with your neck muscles at the same time.
Hold for 5 seconds and release. Repeat: 10 times
Stretch Your Neck Muscles

Stretching the sternocleidomastoid muscles helps eliminate inappropriate postural tendencies that lead to Dowager’s hump, improving your muscular system.
What to do:
Tilt your head to the right side until you feel a stretch in the left side of your neck. Place your right hand on your head and slightly pull it down.
Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat: 3 times on each side.
Release Your Suboccipital Muscles

The suboccipital muscles are the small muscles located at the base of the neck that is responsible for bringing the head forward in an incorrect posture. To release the muscles from this position, you need to find the trigger points at the back of the head and manipulate them.
What to do:
Put your head on a massage or tennis ball and make sure to press on the target area. Gently shake your head from side to side to feel a relaxation in the muscles.
Duration: 1-1.5 minutes
Do A Self-massage

If you have a Dowager’s hump, your neck muscles are likely abnormally tight. You can release them using the following technique.
What to do:
Twist 2-3 towels or tissues together to make a thick band like a braid. Place the band behind your neck, holding one end in each hand.
Slowly rub the band up and down your neck to relieve muscle tension. Duration: 5-7 minutes
Do you know any other ways to get rid of the widow’s hunch? Share your experience with us in the comments!