Some exercises can do more harm than good to your health, creating problems like unnecessary stress on your neck, spine, and shoulders, or too much stress on your joints. There are also exercises that are so ineffective that you will simply waste your time doing them.
The good news is that there is a suitable replacement option for each of them. We did a little research to find out which exercises to avoid and how to replace them.
DANGEROUS Exercises You Should Never Do Again
Behind The Neck Pull-downs Vs Traditional Pull-downs

Stop doing it. Generally speaking, pulldown exercises target the back muscles, which are a large group of muscles that generally require a relatively high weight. The problem starts when you pull the weight behind your neck.
In that case, you have no choice but to turn your neck forward, putting a lot of pressure on it. Also, your shoulders are in a very uncomfortable position.
The reality is that behind-the-neck pull-downs have no particular advantages over traditional pull-downs, where you instead pull the weight toward your chest.
Start to do. Traditional pulls are a great exercise to strengthen your upper body, targeting your back muscles and biceps using your natural body position and more natural movements.
Sit on a bench in front of the pull-down machine; Grip the bar with a wide grip; Pull your shoulder blades back and down, bringing the bar to your chest; Return to the starting position and repeat.
Make sure to adjust the weight correctly. If you feel like you need to lean back to complete the pull-down, you’ve probably gotten too ambitious with the weight.
Tricep Dips With Hands Behind You On The Bench Vs Tricep Extensions

Stop doing it. While dips are effective triceps exercises, it’s a good idea to steer clear of them. Because they force the shoulders to perform extreme internal rotation and put a lot of pressure on the joints. Worse still if you do it in a high chair or on a stool, as is often recommended for beginners.
Start to do. Triceps extensions are a very effective isolated exercise targeting the triceps.
Begin by standing with a dumbbell secured with both hands and feet shoulder-width apart; Raise the dumbbell above your head with your arms extended and your elbows close to your head;
Lower your forearms behind your head; Return to the starting position and repeat.
Note: Only the forearms should move, the arms should be in the same position, close to the head. Another alternative is narrow push-ups.
Tuck Jumps Vs Traditional Jumps

Stop doing it. This is where you do squats or burpees, then jump up and bend your knees toward your chest. It may sound great, but it puts a lot of unnecessary strain on your knees and ankles, with no real benefit.
Start to do. Jumping raises your heart rate and is beneficial for weight loss. If that’s what you’re working on and you really like to jump at the end of squats or burpees, avoid bending your knees. That way, your heart rate still increases, but it doesn’t put too much pressure on your ankles and knees.
Crunches Vs Plank

Stop doing it. We all want to have a flat stomach, but abs are not the best way to achieve this goal. They are ineffective and unsafe. If you are a beginner, it is natural to pull the neck too far forward, which puts a lot of pressure on it.
And if you already have strong abs, you’ll have to do endless crunches to get results, and your lower back won’t forgive you.
Start to do. We all love surfing to varying degrees. It is one of the most beneficial exercises and you can always adjust it to your own level.
Start on the floor with your hands and knees. Lower your forearms to the ground and place your elbows directly under your shoulders; Step back to get a straight line from heels to head and Hold.
There are a few variations on this exercise, so you can always adjust it to your personal comfort level.
- Standard Plank: stay on your hands instead of your elbows, keeping the arms straight
- Single-Leg Plank: lift one foot to hover off the floor
- Knee Plank: stay on your knees instead of your toes
Sit-ups Vs Leg Raises

Stop doing it. This exercise may be popular, but that doesn’t mean it’s effective. In fact, abs are even worse for the lower back than abs.
Start to do. The leg lift is a simple but very effective exercise for the core and thighs.
- Start by laying on your back with your arms near your sides;
- Bend your legs slightly and raise them to a 90º angle;
- Return to the initial position and repeat.
Another good alternative is the plank.
What do you think of this list? Do you agree or disagree? Do you know more exercises that are not safe to perform? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Stay fit and safe.
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